四年级let s talk英语

Kids Let's Talk

【英语对话】Let's talk 英语对话学习系列

我们聊聊Let's talk

Let's talk wine biz

Let's talk in English

Let's TAlk with Annie

From the host of the popular WNYC podcast Death, Sex, & Money, Let’s Talk About Hard Things is “like a good conversation with a friend” (The New Yorker) and an invitation to discuss the tough topics that all of us encounter. “You will la...

Toddler's talk牙牙学语过往皆为序章我们三年后见

Collection of English talk from Daniel Wu (吴彦祖).



Welcome to my english 4.There’s a lot of knowledge here.Come and study.

他,是国际友人,亦是汉语大赛银奖选手,也是江苏卫视《世界青年说》TK11成员之一,不仅中文说的倍儿溜,还多才多艺,可正经可逗比。 这就是我们的穆雷老师,作为我们的明星外教老师,将携手我们51Talk首席学爸贾乃亮为大家带来亲子英语教育类节目《穆雷五分钟》。 我们精心为大家筛选出21本英文读物片段,内容通俗易懂,家长可以学到很多英语小知识。父母作为孩子的第一任老师,有你的引导,孩子才能潜移默化地去学习。 想要学习更多亲子英语,请关注公众号【51Talk青少英语】或者搜索youth51talk,还有更多精彩英语绘本故事等着你哦~
