penny laterza 听力

So, What-Federico Laterza

Jenny penny

Henny Penny

Henny Penny

Penny Draws

Henny Penny

One day Henny Penny was eating corn in the farmyard.When "crack" an acorn fell on the head."Oh,my!"said Henny Penny. "The sky is falling.I must go and tell the King."So she went along and she went along, and she went along until she met...


Henny Penny 《小母鸡潘妮》 One day Henny Penny was eating corn in the farmyard when... 一天小母鸡潘妮正在农家院子里吃着玉米,就在此时... whack!... an acorn fell on her head. 砰!...一个橡子掉落,砸在她的头上 "Oh,my," said Henny Penny. “噢,天哪”小母鸡潘妮说 "The sky is falling! The sky is falling. I must go and tell the King." “天要塌了!天要塌了!我得去告诉国王” So she went along and she went along and she went along until she met Cocky Locky. 于是她走啊走啊走啊直到她遇到小公鸡洛基 "Hello, Henny Penny," said Cocky Locky, "Where are you going?" “你好,小母鸡潘妮”小公鸡洛基说,“你要去哪里呀?” "The sky is falling, and I must go and tell the king," said Henny Penny. “天要塌了,我得去告诉国王”小母鸡潘妮回答道 "Oh! May I go with you?" asked Cocky Locky. “噢!我可以跟你一起去吗?”小公鸡洛基问道 "Certainly!" said Henny Penny.“当然可以!”小母鸡潘妮说 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Ducky Lucky.于是他们继续走啊走啊走啊直到他们遇到了小鸭子拉基 "Hello, Henny Penny and Cocky Locky," said Ducky Lucky. "Where are you going?"“你好,小母鸡潘妮和小公鸡洛基”小鸭子拉基说“你们要去哪里呀?” "Oh! May I go with you?" asked Ducky Lucky.“噢!我可以跟你们一起去吗?”小鸭子拉基问道 "Certainly!"said Henny Penny and Cocky Locky. “当然可以!”小母鸡潘妮和小公鸡洛基说 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Goosey Loosey. 于是他们继续走啊走啊走啊直到他们遇到了小母鹅露西 "Hello, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky," said Goosey Loosey. "Where are you going?" “你好,小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基和小鸭子拉基”小母鹅露西说“你们要去哪里呀?” "Oh! May I go with you?" asked Goosey Loosey. “噢!我可以跟你们一起去吗?”小母鹅露西问道 "Certainly!"said Henny Penny, Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky. “当然可以!”小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基和小鸭子拉基说 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Turkey Lurkey. 于是他们继续走啊走啊走啊直到他们遇到了小火鸡乐基 "Hello, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey," said Turkey Lurkey."Where are you going?" “你好,小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基,小鸭子拉基和小母鹅露西”小火鸡乐基说“你们要去哪里呀?” "Oh! May I go with you?" asked Turkey Lurkey. “噢!我可以跟你们一起去吗?”小火鸡乐基问道 "Certainly!" said Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey. “当然可以!”小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基,小鸭子拉基和小母鹅露西说 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Foxy Loxy. 于是他们继续走啊走啊走啊直到他们遇到了小狐狸洛克斯 "Greetings, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey," said Foxy Loxy. "Where are you going?" “你们好呀,小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基,小鸭子拉基,小母鹅露西和小火鸡乐基”小狐狸洛克斯说“你们要去哪里呀?” "The sky is falling, and we must go and tell the king," said Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey. “天要塌了,我们得去告诉国王”小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基,小鸭子拉基,小母鹅露西和小火鸡乐基回答道 "You'll never get there in time," said Foxy Loxy. “你们不能及时到达那里的”小狐狸洛克斯说 "Come with me and I'll show you the short cut." “跟我来,我带你们走近路” "Certainly!" said Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey. “当然好呀!”小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基,小鸭子拉基,小母鹅露西和小火鸡乐基说 And they followed Foxy Loxy right into his cave. 于是他们跟随小狐狸洛克斯直直地进入他的洞穴里 Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey were never seen again... 再也没人见过小母鸡潘妮,小公鸡洛基,小鸭子拉基,小母鹅露西和小火鸡乐基... ...and no one ever told the king the sky was falling. ...也没有人告诉国王天要塌了


专辑简介: 本专辑结合《美国家庭万用亲子英语8000句》,覆盖46种生活场景,包括日常、教育、家务、游戏、学习等等,教会孩子们和父母们日常英语会话。本书经过150万爸妈们认可,超有用的8000句亲子英语,提升孩子们英语的同时,还能提升家长朋友们的英语实力。 每周二、四、六,晚上19:00更新一期。 主播简介: Penny老师,昂立少儿资深英语教师,英语师范专业毕业,持有专八及高中英语教师资格证,10余年教学经验,对各类应试型英语及能力型英语测试有着深入研究,擅长将教学与学生兴趣相结合。 欢迎添加微信号:pennybaby1983,添加时请注明:喜马拉雅听众。

《Penny from Heaven(天堂里的佩妮)》《Penny from Heaven》的故事背景设定在20世纪50年代的美国。主人公佩妮是一个充满好奇心和活力的小女孩,她生活在一个意大利裔的大家庭中。家庭里的成员性格各异,有严厉但充满爱的父母,有慈祥的祖父母,还有调皮...


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