Four-level grammar course for use on its own or as a companion text alongside other coursebooks.Research-based and content-rich grammar series for beginning- to advanced-level students. The series focuses on the most commonly used Englis...
这是一档由宁波诺丁汉大学人文社科学院Mary Ainslie博士和Derek Irwin博士共同主持的播客节目。在这档节目中,我们将进跨学科的学术世界,深入了解来自于人文社科学者们开创性的学术成果。对于学术的钻研从来都不只限于书本,Beyond the Book: FHSS Resear...
July’s Debut Album Beyond the Memory Released!Since debuting in 2006 with his first single Old Love, July has captivated listeners with six single releases. Now, he unveils his much-anticipated first full-length album, Beyond The Memory...
Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future (German: Jenseits von Gut und Böse: Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft) is a book by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that expands the ideas of his previous work, Thus Spoke...
超越光明之海这是一个关于孤儿的动人故事,主人公通过了解自己的身世,发现了自己的归属和家庭的真正意义。 十二岁的Crow 一生都生活在马萨诸塞州一个非常美丽的伊丽莎白群岛的一个孤立小岛上。当她出生只有几个小时的时候,就被遗弃在一艘小船上漂流,Crow唯一的同伴是拯救和抚养她的奥什,以及住在沙洲那边热情的邻居玛吉小姐。 Crow一直对她周围的世界充满好奇,但直到一天夜晚水面上出现一道神秘的火焰,她才对自己的身世产生了深深疑问。由此引发了一系列不可阻挡的事件,导致Crow...
"Beyond the Horizon" is an album featuring 22 orchestral pieces that transport listeners to a world of fairy-tales, fantasy, anime, and cartoons.Each composition is designed to evoke the vibrant and imaginative qualities of these fantast...