听力mandela s garden
Who Was Nelson Mandela
Thunda's Garden-Thunda
Thunda's Garden-Thunda
Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊·曼德拉
Classics-TheSecret Garden
A child's garden of verses这是一部非常难得的儿童诗集,收录了苏格兰随笔作家、诗人、小说家、游记作家罗伯特·斯蒂文森的儿童诗。这些诗,每首都很短,文字简单,诗境却意味深长,无论中文译诗还是英文原文,都是极佳的学习诗歌写作的范本。
A child's garden of verses, 《童子诗园》, Robert Louis Stevenson所作的英文经典儿童诗诗集,由三语儿童春子(Maya)与和夏(Harsha)小朋友朗读与领读跟读。
奶与蜜的孩子们朗读A Child's Garden of Verses,Abby老师为他们配英文。
《秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)是美国女作家弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特创作的儿童文学作品。故事讲述了性情古怪孤僻的小女孩玛丽・伦罗克斯的父母双亡后,生活在姨父神秘阴沉的大房子里,一次神奇的经历,使玛丽闯入久已禁闭且荒芜的花园。玛丽、农家小...
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett 4个版本 秘密花园BY GENRE:CHILDREN'S > DRAMADRAMA > CLASSIC & PERIODDRAMA > RELATIONSHIPS & ROMANCEBBC Radio 4 Extra - FH Burnett - The Secret GardenKids > Ages 8-10The Secret GardenWritten ...
The night is black 天黑了 And the stars are bright 星闪烁 And the sea is dark and deep 大海静悄悄 That someone I know is safe and snug and they are drifting off to sleep. 宝宝乖,乖宝宝,快快睡觉 Round and round,a little boat no bigger than your hand 转啊转啊,一只小船漂浮在大海上 out on the ocean, far away from land. 渐渐的,越飘越远。 T ake the little sail down, light the little light. 收起小船帆,点亮小灯光 This is the way to the Garden in the night. 带你去和花园宝宝一起玩
玛丽是一个生活在印度的英国小女孩,她的父母整天忙于工作或应酬而将她完全交给了保姆,所以缺少父母亲情和关爱的玛丽自幼性情顽劣,脾气古怪。一场霍乱之灾夺去了她父母的生命,她只得只身投奔姑父,前往英国的一座古老庄园。但庄园里充满了神秘的气氛:一百间一直上着锁的房间、一座十年来从不让人进去的花园、深夜里不时传来的号哭声……玛丽决定偷偷去弄明白这神秘的一切。AR Quiz No. 78 ENMary moves to a huge estate to li...
美国女作家弗兰西斯·H·伯内特的《秘密花园》 (The SecretGarden),是一部百年来畅销不衰的经典 ,它被一代代孩子们不断重复阅读,是很多人童年时代记忆最深刻的一本书。故事主要讲述了一个在 中失去父母的 ,搬到英国后重新获得幸福生活的故事。一场霍乱使性情怪戾的玛丽成了孤儿,她只得被送往远在英国约克郡的密素斯特庄园和姨父克莱文先生一起生活。克莱文先生伤心妻子之死,变得阴郁古怪消沉遁世,他的庄园里有上百间被锁闭的房间,有十年不许 进入的秘密花园。玛丽意外地...
From the author of the international best seller The Light over London and The Whispers of War comes a poignant and unforgettable tale of five women living across three different times whose lives are all connected by one very special place...
An Elephant in the Garden - Michael MorpurgoCategories: Kids, Ages 8-10An Elephant in the GardenBy: Michael MorpurgoNarrated by: Fiona ClarkeLength: 4 hrs and 18 minsRelease date: 05-27-10Language: EnglishPublisher's SummaryIt’s 1944. 's father is fighting with the German army on the eastern front. Her mother works at Dresden zoo, where her favourite animal is a young elephant named Marlene. When the zoo director tells her the dangerous animals must be shot to prevent them running amok when the town is bombed, 's mother moves Marlene into the back garden to save her….and then the bombs start to fall.Their home destroyed, and her family must flee the bombed-out city and through the wintery landscape, all the while avoiding the Russian troops who are drawing ever closer. It would be hard enough, without an elephant in tow….