“峰G”,雅思课堂所用高频词汇听力练习。先听两三遍模仿跟着念听 写原文打开看
1. 先理解单词,把握正确发音,记住意思,知道用法。2. 检测!听单独的英文音频,自己反应出中文,检查是否2s内能出来意思。3. 背完一个topic去听TPO同类话题听力,同类话题!听完后再返回听单词。直到背完所有话题的核心词汇,你的听力已经解决了70%的问...
本篇章包括托福考试中高频出现的词汇,从校园到讲座及各类学科的高频出现的词汇合集,主要为AI口播朗读,准确无误。一共有60list,建议每天两个list 完成度,在一个月时间可以提高托福词汇量同时,也提高了你的听力水平及单词读音准确度。
高中英语听力高频场景词汇:学习选课、图书馆、交通运输、电话、工作、租房、宾馆、医院、银行、购物、天气、餐馆、旅游、运动I.学习选课场景campus 校园dormitory 寝室dining hall/canteen/cafeteria 食堂register 注册tuition 学费select a course 选...
雅思听力场景词汇的听力音频材料。由中国雅思名校-广州雅思英语学校精心汇编上传,供广大雅思考生参考。如需纸质听力考试试题及答案、听力原文,在线测试等及雅思机经预测,请关注 广州雅思英语学校 的官方微信公众号"烤鸭学堂" yasischool 联系客服热线:4006880167 或 登录:wap.gzielts.cc 官网索取 广州雅思英语学校成立于1999年,现任校长是有中国雅思“教父”之称的中国社会科学院博士、中国雅思教育开拓者,资深留学教育专家万昌明博士。 广州雅思英语学校是国内最早的专业雅思学校之一,也是英语IELTS考试中文“雅思”命名的首创者之一。十多年来, 广州雅思英语学校秉承“教育以学生为本,以质量为先”办学宗旨,坚持“知识、激情、励志”的教学理念,发展成为华南乃至中国最大的雅思学校之一。
Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a particular person".[1] Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as merely being able to recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge that are used to measure word knowledge. Productive and receptive knowledge The first major distinction that must be made when evaluating word knowledge is whether the knowledge is productive (also called achieve) or receptive (also called receive); even within those opposing categories, there is often no clear distinction. Words that are generally understood when heard or read or seen constitute a person's receptive vocabulary. These words may range from well-known to barely known (see degree of knowledge below). A person's receptive vocabulary is the larger of the two. For example, although a young child may not yet be able to speak, write, or sign, he or she may be able to follow simple commands and appear to understand a good portion of the language to which they are exposed. In this case, the child's receptive vocabulary is likely tens, if not hundreds of words, but his or her active vocabulary is zero. When that child learns to speak or sign, however, the child's active vocabulary begins to increase. It is also possible for the productive vocabulary to be larger than the receptive vocabulary, for example in a second-language learner who has learned words through study rather than exposure, and can produce them, but has difficulty recognizing them in conversation. Productive vocabulary, therefore, generally refers to words that can be produced within an appropriate context and match the intended meaning of the speaker or signer. As with receptive vocabulary, however, there are many degrees at which a particular word may be considered part of an active vocabulary. Knowing how to pronounce, sign, or write a word does not necessarily mean that the word that has been used correctly or accurately reflects the intended message; but it does reflect a minimal amount of productive knowledge. Degree of knowledge Within the receptive–productive distinction lies a range of abilities that are often referred to as degree of knowledge. This simply indicates that a word gradually enters a person's vocabulary over a period of time as more aspects of word knowledge are learnt. Roughly, these stages could be described as: Never encountered the word. Heard the word, but cannot define it. Recognize the word due to context or tone of voice. Able to use the word and understand the general and/or intended meaning, but cannot clearly explain it. Fluent with the word – its use and definition.
2024 Trainer 听力高频词汇