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American Accent Training
Don’t you want to be more skillful? Don’t you want to be many times more effective in today’s marketplace? There are so many things that we want to achieve: better jobs with higher pay, more confidence, higher self-esteem, the admiration of our friends and colleagues, 2 time to 10 times increase yours sales revenue; make 6-8 figures of inflow monthly; achieve 10 times more of you are already now; make your family and friends to admire you; in a word, more happiness. If these are things you think about, long for, then you should talk with us about how you can make them happen. These things are possible. As the principle consultant at TBL Consultancy I focus on providing answers about improving your situation. I have written books that give you valuable guidance in many areas of self-improvement. More effective, I think, is direct communication, through meetings held online, and better still, meeting in person one-to-one or attending our group seminars. Even with emails I have been able to motivate people to look at their lives differently, to be passionate about improvement. They feel excited about going to work, tackling problems, finding new clients and providing them with service that makes their lives and work better. Please talk with us about moving forward in your life. You should, and you can, and you must do this for yourself and those closest to you. Build a better life, and a brighter future. Thank you for reading this.To your success. Lily Liu TBL International Co. Ltd www.expatanswer.com Please listen http://xima.tv/sTvPG2 as it could change your life completely WeChat 130 5133 2259
American Accent Training : 熟练 掌握 美语发音技巧的 必备 书籍 配套音频
本书从美国人日常会话的习惯和特点出发进行讲解,涉及语调、重音、断句、弱读、连读、美音中难发的音、紧元音和松元音、牙槽骨、鼻辅音和喉辅音以及汉语发音与美音的对比等。书中含有大量练习,讲练结合,让读者随时巩固。作者Ann Cook用心独到,擅长用形象的图画说明复杂的发音现象,方便读者领会和掌握。
American accent training
由于喜马拉雅的限制,有些资源没法分享,所以自己建了个微信公众号:喃喃英语学习分享 所分享的音频,绝大部分都有文本,关注公众号,或者 加入喃喃英语学习分享,群号码:600750829 索取
A great training tool for classroom or for personal use! In recent years, Barron’s American Accent Training has gained wide respect as a self-teaching program, but more and more speech trainers, teachers, and speech therapists report th...
Best Accent Training contains all the sounds of English, with step by step instructions and practice exercises. You'll get all the vowels of English, all the consonants, syllable stress lessons, intonation and rhythm les...
对我个人帮助最大的美语发音训练教材,而且全书都用音频讲解,不用看书也可以完全掌握书中精髓。欢迎各位出门左转,关注Leo英语教室的微信公众号 LeoEnglishClub, 获取更多高质量的英文学习资料。在微信公众号里输入关键词:American Accent Training 即...
一、简介:·专辑: Personal Success Training·主题: How to Become a Sucessful Person·排名: 喜马FM - 外语频道No19·主播: Brendon·国家: U.S.A.·代表作: ①The Millonaire Messenger, ②Life's Golden Ticket, ③The Charge.二、福利:搜索微信公众号:外语主播联盟;①领取Brendon免费电子书!②收听Brendon最新音频!③...
This audio is specially provided for members of Oral English Club, a global association that will help you with your endeavour to speak English fluently and clearly and powerfully. For more information about our free OEC program, please vis...
american accent training grammar; 最新2016年出版,原书附带 CD
A Guide to Speaking and Pronouncing American English for Everyone Who Speaks English as a Second Language