farm animals听力
Blackwood Farm
Animal Farm
Young Animals
2. Animals
敬请关注公众号“Matchbox火柴盒子” (ID:Matchboxmatch)火柴盒子微信号:matchbox2u
关注公众号艾思教育(ID: ASEDU),真正从学英语走向用英语学。...
Little Fox出品的系列动画《Meet the Animals》,孩子们在学习牢记动物相关英文的同时也可以了解到动物们的生活习性以及相关知识,完全是一套动画版的动物世界,一问一答的有趣教学方式,是非常棒的启蒙教学视频,我们常见的动物在动画中都会出现,非常实...
Spirit Animals Series Age Range: 8 - 12 years Grade Level: 3 - 7 Spirit Animals 01 - Wild Born by Brandon Mull (2013) Age Range: 8 - 12 years Grade Level: 3 - 7 Lexile Measure: 680L Series: Spirit Animals (Book 1) Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Scholastic Inc.; First Edition edition (September 10, 2013) Language: English Spirit Animals 02 - Hunted by Maggie Stiefvater (2014) Age Range: 8 - 12 years Grade Level: 3 - 7 Lexile Measure: 670L Series: Spirit Animals (Book 2) Hardcover: 192 pages Publisher: Scholastic Inc. (January 7, 2014) Language: English Spirit Animals 03 - Blood Ties by Garth Nix & Sean Williams (2014) Age Range: 8 - 12 years Grade Level: 3 - 7 Lexile Measure: 800L Series: Spirit Animals (Book 3) Hardcover: 192 pages Publisher: Scholastic Inc. (March 25, 2014) Language: English
适读年龄:6岁+Enid Blyton's timeless collection of farm stories, perfect for holidays or rainy days, and an ideal gift for anyone who loved the stories during their own childhood to pass on to the next generation of readers. Benjy, Penny, Rory an...
Animals should Definitely Not Wear Clothing
Tommy Muzzic
Animal Farm(中译名“动物农场”)由英国作家乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)创作,首次出版于1945年,是一部深刻而有力的现实寓言。故事发生在一个名为“曼纳农场”(Manor Farm)的地方。农场中的动物因不堪忍受人类农场主,联合起将人类赶出农场,并建...
加小助手微信 obcreading,入群得有声书文本、多本名著、外刊杂志及影视资源,验证请备注喜马拉雅。《动物庄园》(英语:Animal Farm),也译作《动物农场》、《动物农庄》、《一脸猪相》,是英国著名作家乔治·奥威尔所编写的托寓小说,在1945年8月17日正式于英国出版。奥威尔表示,此一寓言反映了1917年俄国革命至踏入斯大林时期的历史事件。奥威尔是一位民主社会主义者,但他对斯大林和斯大林主义持批判态度。奥威尔参加过西班牙内战,正是这段经历让他对斯...
U农场故事(超小本)配套mp3 公众号:LoveEnglish爱英语
本专辑收录英语启蒙分级动画little fox 中第一级别(level 2)中的Meet the Animals .需要视频的可以私聊我。
The Cherry Tree Farm Story Collection - Enid BlytonAge Level: 6 - 8The Cherry Tree Farm Story CollectionBy: Enid BlytonNarrated by: Sarah Feathers...
Horrible science angry animalsScience with the squishy bits left in! Take a walk on the wild side with "Angry Animals". Dare you discover: who made false teeth for an elephant? Where you can find dragons with bad breath. Which scientis...