Quick as a Cricket
The Very Quiet Cricket
The Very Quiet Cricket
Quick As A Cricket
Cricket in Times Square
The Very Quiet Cricket
I’m as quick as a cricket.I’m as slow as a snail.I’m as small as an ant.I’m as large as a whale.I’m as sad as a basset.I’m as happy as a lark.I’m as nice as a bunny.I’m as mean as a shark.I’m as cold as a toad.I’m as hot as a f...
《好奇号》与Cricket Media(蟋蟀童书)版权合作,内容精选自蟋蟀童书旗下五大重点刊物(《Muse》、《Faces》、《Dig》、《ASK》、《Cricket》),为中国6-12岁孩子打造“全领域”通识教育杂志,涵盖科学、自然、历史、文化、文学等多个领域。通俗的说,就...
Cricket Media(蟋蟀童书)在美国的名气丝毫不亚于中国的意林,可以说是几代美国人的童年,我们所熟知的很多知名外版杂志比如小瓢虫、虫宝宝都来自这家杂志社。为了好奇号,Cricket Media组建了一流的内容创作团队,包括科学家、科学作家、儿童文学作家、...
Quick as a Cricket 《和蟋蟀一样快》 I'm as quick as a cricket 我和蟋蟀一样快 I'm as slow as a snail 我和蜗牛一样慢 I'm as small as an ant 我和蚂蚁一样小 I'm as large as a whale 我和鲸鱼一样大 I'm as sad as a basset 我和猎犬一样悲伤 I'm as happy as a lark 我和云雀一样快乐 I'm as nice as a bunny 我和兔子一样友善 I'm as mean as a shark 我和鲨鱼一样凶恶 I'm as cold as a toad 我和蟾蜍一样冰冷 I'm as hot as a fox 我和狐狸一样热 I'm as weak as a kitten 我和小猫一样柔弱 I'm as strong as an ox 我和公牛一样强壮 I'm as loud as a lion 我和狮子一样吵闹 I'm as quiet as a clam 我和蛤蚌一样安静 I'm as tough as a rhino 我和犀牛一样粗暴 I'm as gentle as a lamb 我和小羊一样温和 I'm as brave as a tiger 我和老虎一样勇敢 I'm as \shy\ as a \shrimp\ 我和虾一样胆怯 I'm as tame as poodle 我和贵宾狗一样温驯 I'm as wild as a chimp 我和黑猩猩一样野蛮 I'm as lazy as a lizard 我和蜥蜴一样慵懒 I'm as busy as a bee 我和蜜蜂一样忙碌 Put it all together 把这些特质全部放在一起 and you've got ME! 那就是我!
蓝星球电台,来自于LanguagePlanet蓝星球英语: 我们专注培养孩子英语语言能力的同时,着重培养中国孩子的阅读习惯。帮助孩子养成独立的人格、坚强勇敢乐观的品格。同时,蓝星球还致力于指导父母成为孩子最好的阅读导师、共读伙伴和终身学习的最好搭档。 想要更多的了解我们? Smart Reader, Future Leader. Book Contents 内容简介 Mrs. Honey and her cat find themselves in each other's dreams. They fly and fall and fight off sharks with knitting needles. They almost drown and are rescued by sailors, attacked by pirates and saved by Mrs. Honey's cakes, only to end up walking the plank into the briny drink! And then...and then...they wake up! So, that's how you get rid of pirates!