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在家自助英语启蒙3年,欢迎来我的 微信公众号:甜甜和我的记事本 一起交流。这本书可以分享PDF。最近被宝宝翻牌最多的一本书,真不枉我花重金买回来。书配的音频很棒,前半部分是简短的儿歌,后半部分是词汇。全真图片
艾瑞•卡尔(Eric Carle)国际儿童文学大师,绘本专家。80多岁的卡爷爷最让人难忘的就是他那大胡子和和蔼可亲的笑容。 他用他的画笔和充满魔力的拼贴技巧,创造出世界上独一无二的色彩。他亲自制作的色纸材料更是独具匠心,是别人无法模仿的。大笔自由挥洒...
Early onemorning the wind blew a spider across the field.A thin, silky thread trailed from her body.The spider landed on a fence post near a farm yard...and began to spin a web with her silky thread."Neigh! Neigh!" said thehorse."Want to...
新时代中国式生活方式奠基作 “人活着”既是哲学的基本命题也是现实生活的根本问题,就是人生的意义及生活的方法。本书以鲜活的事例和深湛的哲理,从尊严、体面、幸福、优雅、明白五个层面,构成完整的生活方式系统,创新中国传统的生活方法,规划人类共同...
A gripping thriller about a man’s quest for the daughter no one else believes is still alive, from the acclaimed author of The Chalk Man and The Hiding Place.“C. J. Tudor is terrific. I can’t wait to see what she does next.” (Harlan Coben, ...
The Carpet People - Terry PratchettProduct DetailsAge Range: 7 - 10 yearsGrade Level: 2 - 5...
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The People We Keep is a lyrically told coming-of-age novel that explores the themes of belonging, self-discovery, and the power of music. The story follows April Sawicki, a young woman living in a motorless motorhome in Little River, New...
大家好,欢迎来到我的英文童诗专辑,在这里我收集了适合孩子阅读的英文童诗和儿歌,希望能够帮助孩子培养阅读英文的能力与习惯。如果需要获得孩子英文朗读和阅读能力的指导,欢迎关注WX公众号:MollyEnglishPoems。 作为未来的全球公民,让孩子熟练地运用英语是他们的必修课。 让迎君老师带着孩子一起来读英文诗歌吧!每一首童诗都是迎君老师精心挑选,有趣而且细腻,同时带着儿童独特的视角。它们就是一艘小船,让孩子在文字的世界中起航。 You are my sunshine From Kiboomers You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You never know dear, how much I love you, Please don’t take my sunshine away, please don’t take my sunshine away. 1. sun·shine [ˈsʌnʃaɪn]n.阳光,欢乐 2. gray[greɪ] adj.灰白的,阴暗的 3. only [ˈəʊnli] adj.仅有的 People By Charlotte Zolotow Some people talk and talk and never say a thing. Some people look at you and birds begin to sing. Some people laugh and laugh and yet you want to cry. Some people touch your hand and music fills the sky. 1. yet [jet] adv.但是 2. never [ˈnevə(r)]adv.从不 3. begin [bɪˈgɪn]v.开始 4. touch[tʌtʃ]v.触摸 5. music [ˈmju:zɪk]n.音乐 6. fill [fɪl]v.充满 Sing a Song of People By Lois Lenski Sing a Song of People, Walking fast or slow; People in the city, Up and down they go. People passing, passing, In back and front of us. People with umbrellas When it rains and pours. People in tall buildings And in stores below; Riding elevators Up and down they go. People walking singly, People in a crowd; People laughing, smiling, Grumpy people too; People who just hurry And never look at you! Song of city people You see but never know! (Adapted by Molly Li) 1. people [ˈpi:pl]n.人 2. pass [pɑ:s]v.经过 3. umbrella[ʌmˈbrelə]n.伞 4. pour [pɔ:(r)]v.倾倒 5. singly[ˈsɪŋgli]adv.单独地 6. crowd[kraʊd]n.人群 7. grumpy [ˈgrʌmpi] adj.脾气坏的 8. city[ˈsɪti]n.城市 欢迎加入迎君老师的诗歌打卡群上传打卡录音,戳下图二维码→关注小打卡→点击参加活动就能打卡啦,还能获得老师的免费点评,想挑战的速速前来: