adventure time听力

Molly Moon’s Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure 3


Subway Adventure

Sound Adventure

Alien adventure

Alice's adventure

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll ...

Reading age : 6 - 8 yearsLexile measure : 780LGrade level : 1 - 3Children's AudiobooksA New AdventureThe Magic Faraway Tree, Book 9By: Jacqueline WilsonNarrated by: Miriam MargolyesSeries: The Magic Faraway TreeLength: 5 hrs and 26 minsR...

全24集,后4集加关注,待我回关后可听~Little Fox - Level 5 - AR 3.2 - Rocket Girl's Galaxy Squad AdventureMeltron是一个强大的反派,他接二连三地破坏银河系行星,火箭女孩凭一己之力似乎很难战胜他! Delkor行星的超级英雄Kid Comet、另一个时空来...

听力 Listening Time 2级 音频

听力 Listerning Time 1级 音频

听力 Listening Time 3级 音频

小学听力 Listening Time 2册音频公众号:睿凡英语 Refined EnglishVX: 13122667262

小学听力 Listening Time 1册音频公众号:睿凡英语 Refined EnglishVX: 13122667262

小学听力 Listening Time 3册音频公众号:睿凡英语 Refined EnglishVX: 13122667262

飞机降落 回到熟悉之地手机上出现的陌生号码是来自028神秘的邀请人声与电子旋律的交织...

When my nephew, Benjamin, invited me to Career Day at his school,things did not turn out the way I expected. I caused a volcanic explosion,got stuck in the tunnel slide on the playground, and accidentally let the class ‘s pet gecko out of its cage! Rat munching rattlesnakes—how was I going to get myself out of this mess?


本书作者Ben Elton是一名编剧、导演、演员,代表影视作品有《歌剧院幽灵2:真爱不死》,《憨豆先生》。“Time and Time Again”描述了一个现代人穿越回1914年去阻止世界大战发生的故事,情节曲折,人物刻画生动,又穿插了英国式的幽默,令人回味,欲罢不能。

1. Katie’s Picture Show2. Katie and The Impressionists3. Katie and the Sunflowers4. Katie and Mona Lisa...