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The collected BBC radio adaptations of Virginia Woolf’s pioneering modernist novels, with star casts including Kristin Scott-Thomas, Vanessa Redgrave, Juliet Stevenson, Laura Fraser, Robert Glenister and Fenella Woolgar.

A study of Albert Camus' life and works which draws together both dramatisations of his novels and documentaries about his life.One of postwar France’s most influential writers, Albert Camus was fêted for his masterful exploration of t...

William Somerset Maugham was one of the most successful English writers of the 20th century and remains the most adapted for film and TV. This collection includes seven of his novels and plays, dramatised by BBC radio.

A collection of full-cast dramatisations plus interviews with Laurie LeeLaurie Lee was a poet, novelist and screenwriter renowned for his bestselling autobiographical trilogy Cider With Rosie, As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning and...

A definitive, fully-dramatised collection of the best-known works of Thomas Hardy.Renowned novelist and poet Thomas Hardy is best known for his fatalistic, often tragic novels set in the 'realistic dream-country' of Wessex, in south and ...

越来越多人喜欢《小王子》这本书,看过中文版的你们是不是有点意犹未尽呢?这次带给大家英文版的《小王子》。快来看看不同语言对你的理解有没有什么奇妙的改变吧! 《小王子》(法语:Le Petit Prince、英语:The Little Prince),是法国贵族作家、诗人、飞行员先驱安托万·德·圣埃克絮佩里创作的最著名的小说,发表于1943年。作为法语书籍中拥有最多读者和译本的小说,《小王子》曾当选为20世纪法国最佳图书。它是世界最畅销的图书之一,被翻译成250多种语言和方言,全世界迄今已售出两亿多册,年销售一百多万册。


英文听力练习: 句子、单词、场景


古为今用,继旧开新。一篇文章,你读都不会读,不知道哪里重读、哪里停顿,词汇不熟悉,句子不理解,换成耳朵来听,你能听懂吗?所以,回复才会听,口勤才耳聪。 英文什锦汇在练习英语听力的同时,在练习听力、口语的同时,从多个视角展现了英美文化的魅力...

Evelyn Waugh is one of the pre-eminent English novelists of the 20th Century. This collection comprises seven of his finest works, dramatised by Jeremy Front and Denys Hawthorne.

The complete collection of acclaimed BBC Radio dramas based on John le Carré's best-selling novels, starring Simon Russell Beale as George Smiley. With a star cast including Kenneth Cranham, Eleanor Bron, Brian Cox, Ian MacDiarmid, Anna...

A master of Russian realism, Anton Chekhov is renowned for his meticulously observed plays and short stories exploring the human condition, in all its joys and sorrows. Included here are six of his best-known dramas, as well as Michael F...

Aldous Leonard Huxley was an English writer and philosopher. He wrote nearly 50 books, both novels and non-fiction works, as well as wide-ranging essays, narratives, and poems. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature nine time...

Kafka’s finest works adapted for BBC radio – plus a biographical play, three discussion pieces and the award-winning Kafka The MusicalA lawyer by day, Franz Kafka spent his nights writing visionary stories and novels exploring bureauc...

Oscar Wilde was an Irish poet and playwright. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of the most popular playwrights in London in the early 1890s. He is best remembered for his epigrams and plays, and his no...