once again听力课堂
At Once-Niquey
Yesterday once more
Come Again
“Think Again is a must-read for anyone who wants to create a culture of learning and exploration, whether at home, at work, or at school…. In an increasingly divided world, the lessons in this book are more important than ever.” (Bill and M...
Kids Ages 8-12The Wizards of OnceBy: Cressida CowellNarrated by: David TennantLength: 5 hrs and 56 minsWhat is magic? What is illusion? What is real? Step into the extraordinary world of Sam Khaan, who has just discovered a witch doct...
Children's Audiobooks Literature & FictionReading age : 8 - 12 yearsGrade level : 3 - 7You Only Live Once, David BravoBy: Mark OshiroNarrated by: Avi RoqueLength: 10 hrs and 15 mins
have fun
《ONCE UPON A TIME:全球父母和孩子喜爱的经典英文童话》,本书精选自安德鲁•朗经典童话,与《安徒生童话》和《格林童话》相比,安德鲁•朗选编的童话更全、更具代表性,汇集了世界各国、各民族的传统神话与经典童话故事。本书为全彩色英文绘本,选文包括小红帽、睡美人、白雪公主、三只小猪、丑小鸭、国王的新衣、卖火柴的小女孩等共41篇,同时配以200余幅彩色插图,孩子们在品读精彩故事的同时,还能欣赏到各种精美插图。安德鲁童话在对孩子进行道德和人生教育的同时,也带来了美好的梦想和无穷的欢乐,因此成为了世界最经久不衰的畅销童话书之一。This great edition collects forty-one classic English fairy tales with marvelous pictures. They are told to children by families all over the world till present, including Little Red Riding Hood , Beauty and the Beast , Snow White , Cinderella , Bluebeard and other famous children's tales.Fairy tales can shape our cultures and enrich the children's imaginations. This colored English edition is specially prepared for the children to learn English.Let's hear the gentle voice of a young mother…Once upon a time…
During the months following Britain’s declaration of war on Germany, Maisie Dobbs investigates the disappearance of a young apprentice working on a hush-hush government contract. As news of the plight of thousands of soldiers stranded on th...
欢迎关注微信公号:开阅英文童书馆,含启蒙至章节各类翻墙资源;欢迎进Q群 561845064下载音频
Traversing both hip-hop and new-age genres with his unique musical style, July has captivated listeners with his lyrical melodies. Now, he presents his third full-length album, Spring Again. Following his previous album in March 2012, Sp...
苏醒何洁全新嘻哈单曲《Stand Up Again》刚柔并济展现十年心路历程打造华语乐坛说唱标杆 苏醒全新说唱作品《Stand Up Again》将于8月21日正式发行。该曲由苏醒一手包办词曲创作演唱之外,还邀请何洁担任女声vocal,两人力合打造完成这曲大气磅礴的男女...
窦靖童首次献声动画电影《声之形》推广曲《See you again》治愈来袭 在东京动画奖中斩获最佳动画奖和最佳编剧奖的话题之作—《声之形》将在9月8日于中国上映。电影改编自大今良时的漫画作品,由山田尚子执导,京都动画制作出品,入野自由、早见沙织等金牌...
lofter的宝藏文[Again]德哈同人原作者:The Second Second,录播:heavenlost
Again, but Better - Christine RiccioTeens, Fiction & LiteratureAgain, But BetterBy: Christine Riccio...
Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope, rookie NYPD cops, are neighbors in the suburbs. What happens behind closed doors in both houses—the loneliness of Francis's wife, Lena, and the instability of Brian's wife, Anne, sets the stage for th...
The Wizards of Once - Cressida Cowell 曾经的巫师 - 驯龙高手作者克蕾西达·考威尔2017最新作品。1. The Wizards of OnceLexile Measure: 890By: Cressida CowellNarrated by: David TennantLength: 5 hrs and 56 mins...