making memories听力


Polar Memories-Arctic Orchestra

80 Proof Memories-Rajeev

80 Proof Memories-Rajeev

Magical Memories-Rizo Balic

Great Memories Vol 2-Various Artists

Making Habits, Breaking Habits (audiobook)Written by: Jeremy DeanNarrated by: Sean Pratt微信公众号:英语读书台,更有海量电子图书。

对于Stein,崇敬,崇敬,崇敬。她是Dada Mama, 她是我的诗歌启蒙。搞不懂为什么海明威要neglect她对自己创作的影响。对于她,轮不到我做评判,多打几个字都是多余的。


Say you want to start going to the gym or practicing a musical instrument. How long should it take before you stop having to force it and start doing it automatically?The surprising answers are found in Making Habits, Breaking Hab...

This is an album with minute-long readouts of this amazing book by Louis Cozolino. The Making of A Therapist is an insightful book to aid student counselors with their self-exploration, as well as techniques and ethics. Just for fun, tak...

You Are a Badass at Making Money will launch you past the fears and stumbling blocks that have kept financial success beyond your reach. Drawing on her own transformation—over just a few years—from a woman living in a converted garage with ...


Anna Vyrubova著作本人翻译英译本全文安娜·阿列克桑德罗芙娜·维罗波娃(英语:Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova, 娘家姓氏:塔尼耶娃,Taneyeva ,俄语: Анна Александровна Вырубова, Танеева) (1884年7月16日生于莫斯科 - 1964年7月20日死于赫尔辛基) 是尼古拉二世妻子阿列克山德罗·费奥多萝芙娜的密友,同时也是皇室的女官。 一战时期她随奥尔加女大公及塔季扬娜女大公赴前线充当战地护士,在一次训练事故中受伤,造成截瘫。据说因为拉斯普京及其信徒为她祈祷而保住了性命。 她于1920年逃出俄罗斯,前往芬兰。她曾经是著名作家高尔基的好朋友,高尔基曾嘱咐她将在沙皇宫廷里服务的见闻写成回忆录。她接受了高尔基的建议。随后她一直居住在芬兰,虽然她曾决定当东正教的修女,但由于身体的缘故被允许一直住在家里。1964年死于赫尔辛基的寓所。