1964 audio 听力
Interchange3 英语听力audio剑桥
Audio D-Audio D
Audio Mars-Audio Push
Happy Audio
Rita Audio
Audio English
这套书由国际著名英语学习专家 Dr. Herbert Puchta 博士主编,曾担任“国际英语教师协会主席”(IATEFL)一职。另外,还有两位合作编者 Jeff Strank & Peter Lewis-Jones ,都是世界知名的语言教育专家:Jeff Strank 曾任英国贝尔学院任英语教学的高级导师;Peter Lewis-Jones在多国任教英语超过20年。这几位作者曾在2004年推出过一套风靡全球、至今还在广泛使用的中学生教材English in Mind,...
Brought to you by Ladybird. Winner of The FutureBook of the Year Award 2019.Shortlisted for the Best Children's Audiobook at the New York Festival Radio Awards 2020.Ladybird Audio Adventures is an original series for 4-to 7-year-olds; a...
Go on a rhythmic romp through the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous eras to meet the prehistoric creatures every child loves: dinosaurs! With colorful artwork and a funky fresh beat, Dinosaur Rap introduces children to paleontology, the ...