
One day, a farmer tells a farm boy to take everything out of an old building and throw it away. 'It's all rubbish,' he says.In the middle of all the rubbish, the boy finds a beautiful old piano. He has never played before, but now, when ...

音流如水, 百转千回。这张纯音钢琴精选,整体忧郁,但也不乏积极温暖的作品,个人觉得还算耐听。希望和大家一同感受这段如水如诗的音流。.喜欢简约不简单的音符






Standing at the Crossroads of Pop and New Age: Sweet Rain’s Second Full Album Nangman PianoIn January 2010, Sweet Rain (Danbi) released his second album, Nangman Piano, featuring a more relaxed, refined sound. With romantic, melancholic...

目 录Autumn GlowDance of the ScarecrowFountain of DreamsIndian SerenadeMegan's SongMemoriesWhistlin' Joe

玉置浩二(たまき こうじ)1958年9月13日出身于日本北海道旭川市神居町,是日本一名歌手、演员。80年代以流行摇滚乐团「安全地带」的主唱崛起,为该团主要的乐曲提供者。不论是以安全地带或是个人身份发表的作品,在华语圈如香港、台湾等地皆受到相当程度...
