Paris Agreement听力
From Paris With Love-Precious Paris
From Paris With Love-Precious Paris
BayWatch-Paris Drive
BayWatch-Paris Drive
The Paris Apartment
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of A Thousand Acres and the New York Times best-selling Last Hundred Years Trilogy, a captivating, brilliantly imaginative story of three extraordinary animals – and a young boy – whose lives intersect...
“下一站,巴黎”是一档由法国里昂商学院(emlyon business school)的五位在校同学自发组织的一档求职类播客节目。我们会在节目中分享各自在法国职场中的所见所闻,也会邀请客座嘉宾从招聘者的角度分享独特的见解,当然还会穿插一些对留法生活的讨论。不论是想来法国留学但还在犹豫的你,还是初到法国略感迷茫的你,亦或是想找实习却不知道从哪下手的你,都是本档播客的最佳听众!"Next Stop, Paris" is a job hunting podcast organized by five students from emlyon business school in France. We will share what we have seen and heard in the French job market, invite guests to share their unique insights from a recruiter's perspective, and of course, discuss life in France. Whether you're thinking about studying in France but still hesitant, you just arrived in France, or you're looking for an internship in France but don't know where to start, you'll be the perfect audience for this podcast!
,敬请关注公众号“Matchbox火柴盒子” (ID:Matchboxmatch)火柴盒子微信号:matchbox2u
今年5月刚发行了首张个人专辑「The Lover」的春野再度带来了惊喜!在新歌「Paris feat. YELLOW黄宣」里,他找来了一直都相当欣赏的YELLOW黄宣,携手带来了一首结合了中文,英文和日文的清新爽朗歌曲!"