wednesday morning听力


The Wednesday War


Good Morning


Rotimi - Royal Wednesday-Rotimi


Hello, this is morning call, Ward. I've been keeping up reading English every morning in Wechat groups(Wechat ID: CQ2846) for 2 months, which lead to a nickname, Morning Call, from my dear fellows. Everyday, I will share a short a...

Mayrain - [Fresh Morning]作曲家 Mayrain 的 Fresh Morning 正式发行。这首作品如同晨间的微风般清新,轻快的吉他与柔和的钢琴旋律交织,营造出明亮而愉悦的氛围。伴随着山间鸟鸣,开启清爽的一天吧!让 Fresh Morning 伴你感受晨曦的美好与活力。

Mayrain - [Beautiful Morning]作曲家 Mayrain 的 Beautiful Morning 正式发行。这是一首伴随着清晨鸟鸣的美好音乐,温暖而明亮的旋律,让你的早晨更加愉悦与充满活力。悠扬的钢琴与大自然的声音交织,仿佛阳光洒落,带来温暖与治愈。与 Beautiful Morning...

Mayrain - [Romantic Morning]作曲家 Mayrain 的 Romantic Morning 正式发行。在鸟鸣声的陪伴下,迎接一场浪漫的清晨。Romantic Morning 结合了钢琴与古典吉他的优雅旋律,温柔而宁静的曲调,让人沉浸于晨曦的惬意氛围。在这宁静的早晨,让 Romantic Morni...

Mayrain - [Calming Morning]作曲家 Mayrain 的 Calming Morning 正式发行。如同曲名一般,清晨的鸟鸣伴随着清新的钢琴旋律,轻轻拂去心头的疲惫,带来愉悦的晨间氛围。在晨光中,捧一杯咖啡,感受这份宁静与清新,何尝不是一种享受?Mayrain 创立了 Heali...

《天风Morning Call * 悦读晨报》每天早上八点准时为您带来晨会内容精要;助您解读市场、了解行情! 我们用好的研究叫醒您的耳朵!了解更多内容请关注“天风证券研究所"微信公众号tfzqyj

'July - Morning Glow'Ahead of July’s upcoming ninth full-length album set for release in 2018, the pre-release single Morning Glow has been unveiled. Morning Glow captures the freshness and vibrancy of early morning, featuring an enchan...

“The first few choices you make each morning determine whether you’ll be productive and mindful all day, or whether the world will clobber you over the head.” Marie Kondo performs a quick tidying ritual to quiet her mind before leaving...

哈尔·埃尔罗德 (Hal Elrod)死过一次的人生赢家15岁拥有一档个人电台节目;20岁成为市值2亿美元公司的顶尖销售员;20岁出车祸,“临床死亡”6分钟,奇迹生还,重回公司,在6万名销售人员中业绩位列第6;28岁经历金融危机,负债287万,一度患上抑郁症;29岁开发“神奇的早起”计划,网络疯传,成为人生教练,赴全球各大高校演讲;33岁出版《早起的奇迹》,连续5年占据英文亚马逊畅销榜首。他创造了奇迹,他就是奇迹本身。

Product detailsAge Range: 10 - 12 yearsGrade Level: 5 - 7Lexile Measure: 990L ...

“Catherine Gildiner is nothing short of masterful – as both a therapist and writer. In these pages, she has gorgeously captured both the privilege of being given access to the inner chambers of people’s lives, and the meaning that comes fro...

丸子妈妈亲子电台早安英语节目《小耳朵Morning Call》,让纯正的日常英语陪你起床!

Fridrik Karlsson 出生于冰岛,1995年举家移民至英国。最初致力于钻研古典音乐的创作和电影配乐,1997年始,开始将音乐创作的重心转移至心灵理疗音乐上,获得国际自然心灵疗法学会 (IHA) 的推荐。感谢每一位听友的聆听!想要了解更多这方面资讯的朋友,欢...

Follow us for new episodes every weekday! Learn to speak American English like a native simply by listening to English every day. Kids Morning News is a news podcast suitable for children of all ages. Learn about interesting things happe...