
Following a near decade-long hiatus that has seen him move on from the dancefloor commanding bombast of his T Power moniker, Marc Royal returns to the musical fray with 'The Lazy Nine', the debut album released under his own name. Having...

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苏格兰作家 John Buchan 的小说《三十九级台阶》说得是一个在非洲生活多年的英国人汉内被意外卷入间谍案,挺身而出与敌人周旋的故事。

负罪感、异化、无尽的痛苦及其艺术化的表达,创造了一些令人铭记在心的摇滚乐。这其中也包括 Trent Reznor的 Nine Inch Nails单人乐队。乐队的音响空间是荒芜的,而歌词则将自暴自弃与绝望推向了极点。但是 Reznor 写出的是流行歌曲而非自己恐怖电影的配乐...


An homage to the Master JRR Tolkien Long lost, newly discovered archival basement tape of the Lore Wardens!
