generation gap听力




Mind The Gap

Generation Riot

Generation Riot

内容简介:Too many of us miss out on opportunities in life because we lack self-confidence. Whether it's puic speaking, taking on a leadership role, or asking someone for a date, there are situations in which we just don't feel equipped to handle the challenges we face.Russ Harris offers a surprising solution to low self-confidence, shyness, and insecurity: Rather than trying to "get over" our fears, he says, the secret is to form a new and wiser relationship with them. Paradoxically, it's only when we stop struggling against our fearfulness that we begin to find lasting freedom from it.Drawing on the techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a cutting-edge form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, The Confidence Gap explains how to:•Free yourself from common misconceptions about what confidence is and how to build it•Transform your relationship with fear and anxiety•Clarify your core values and use them as your inspiration and motivation•Use mindfulness to effectively handle negative thoughts and feelings.链接: 提取码:lyct


Bone Gap - Laura Ruby Product DetailsTeens > Ages 11-13Hardcover: 368 pages...

DJ 旋律嗨翻,动感节奏停不下来

以Kerouac视角解析垮掉派文学。如果你也读公路文学, 喜欢说走就走的自驾行(ja,cliché,I know)或者对5,60年代蓝调,爵士,流浪的生活抱有怀旧之感的话。或许你会中意听听Kerouac对On the Road的理解。还有Allen Ginsberg 写的The Best Minds of My gene...

在这张58年的LP中,Kerouac一洗以往浪荡制造麻烦的主角形象(On the Road里的Neal),也没有像《达摩流浪者》里面那种浮夸的,有点装模做样的思想。这张录音应该算是Kerouac以最纯粹的眼光重新审视美国的记录。作曲家,钢琴家Steve Allen伴奏,this LP is ...


