long conversation听力
English Conversation
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English Conversation
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Thomas English ConversationStarter 1 to 10
Hi. good morning. 我们今天的每日一句是:Don't laugh at me. I'm not good at dancing since I have two left feet. 不要笑话我,我不擅长跳舞因为我总是笨手笨脚的。
Regardless of age or occupation, conversation can be tricky. But like it or not, it's one of the most important things you do on a daily basis. Successful conversations help you advance professionally and make, maintain, and deepen relat...
学乐句子系列,more conversation in action. 接着每日一句继续更新,不过句子实在是太简单了,就随口过一遍哈。
Long Tail, The, Revised and Updated Edition: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More
琴·韦伯斯特,美国人。1876年出生于纽约州的佛雷多尼亚一个充满文艺气息的家庭中,父亲从事出版工作,母亲是马克·吐温的侄女。 在校期间,她就常常在巴萨女子大学的校友杂志和地方新闻刊物投稿;并利用课余时间,到孤儿院和感化院做社会服务。而这段时间...