
Product detailsAge Level: 5 - 7 Grade Level: 1 - 3450L-630L


Freddy the Pig needs a break. As editor of the Bean Home News and president of the First Animal Bank, he has no time for himself anymore. As Freddy says, "I sometimes think I was much happier when I was just a humble, unpolished pig."S...

Freddy and the Baseball Team from Mars

Freddy and Simon the Dictator

Freddy and the Popinjay

The barnyard animals are tired of being cold in the winter. Since Farmer Bean doesn't have enough money to patch the holes in the barn or heat the chicken coop, they are migrating to Florida for the winter.Travelling to the beat of Fredd...

1.Ready Freddy Tooth Trouble -3.32.Ready Freddy Teh King of Show-and-Tell -3.13.Ready Freddy Homework Hassles -3.44.Ready Freddy Don't Sit on My Lunch! -3.25.Ready Freddy Talent Show Scaredy-Pants -3.3 6.Ready Freddy Help! A Vampires Co...