road to ielts 听力
雅思听力 IELTS Listening
IELTS雅思听力Book 3-9
雅思真题听力IELTS Listening
《听见英国-- 英式英语实境听力练习 (附CD)》是2006年众文图书出版社出版的图书,作者是上田真理砂、Iain Davey。需要《听见英国-- 英式英语实境听力练习 (附CD)》完整版PDF文本和音频的同学请加微信IELTSCOOL2,免费领取。关注公众号【答库雅思】【带路喵】,每天练习听力语料库内容,还能私人定制答案,助力雅思冲9分!作品目录编辑Unit 1 Transport and Travel 搭乘交通工具及旅行...
雅思考试必备:《黑眼睛·IELTS考试技能训练教程:听力》内容经典 历经5次改版,畅销17年,业内有口皆碑,成就无数高分考生。编排科学 凝聚作者多年的雅思写作培训经验,恰到好处地把握考试的重点和考生的堆点。题量丰富 大量语言训练与写作训练,全向夯实语言基础,自信应对所有题型。...
Listening Strategies for the IELTS Test考试技能训练教程(第5版)李亚宾 编著听力(上)(下)
《IELTS考试技能训练教程》(被广大读者称作“‘黑眼睛’雅思教程”)是为参加雅思考试的考生进行短期强化训练而设计的。第5版《教程》分为5册:听力(上)、听力(下)、口语、阅读、写作。听力(下)分为两大部分:第一部分 IELTS听力技能训练:含6个单元,每单元15个听力训练活动。第二部分 IELTS听力模拟试题:含4套模拟试题。之后是录音文本和练习答案。在“IELTS听力技能训练”部分,每个单元的训练之前,都有针对该单元训练的介绍和训练要点提示,考生进行训练之前应仔细阅读并按...
All the grammar you need for IELTS success! IELTS Grammar for Bands 6.5 and above provides clear explanations and extensive practice of all the grammar you need for IELTS success. Suitable for IELTS Academic and General Training, this bo...
All the vocabulary you need for IELTS success!This book covers all the vocabulary you need for band 6.5 and above in IELTS Academic and General Training. Vocabulary is presented in realistic contexts and is introduced through listening a...
雅思备考必备 IELTS 19,欢迎+V
需要Official IELTS Practice Material 1听力音频的同学请加微信IELTSCOOL2,免费领取。关注公众号【答库雅思】【带路喵】,有更多雅思学习资料和高分经验技巧分享,还能私人定制学习计划,助力雅思冲9分!雅思官方模考题 包含A类+G类,属于国外雅思原版教材。官方出品,强烈推荐!可以用作考前模拟,包含完整的一套A类+G类的雅思套题内涵听力MP3 还有听力录音原文考生完成的作文和考官评语可以进行有针对性的练习另外还能领取雅思VI...
Unlock the Power of Your Voice with "SpeakMax IELTS"Step into the realm of spoken excellence with "SpeakMax IELTS," the definitive podcast series tailored to transform your IELTS Speaking skills from hesitant to flawless. With "SpeakMax...
Road To Revolution Live At Milton Keynes (DVD Bonus) (2008)
In order to help the lovable, ever-wandering Shaggy Man, Dorothy and Toto must journey through magical and mysterious lands.
The central argument of this book was first sketched in an article entitled “Freedom and the Economic System, ” which appeared in the Contemporary Review for April, 1938, and was later reprinted in an enlarged form as one of the “Public Pol...