study aboard的听力
all aboard reading
All Aboard Reading
All Aboard Reading
You're Aboard Spaceship Earth
Study Skills
美国加州Joel老师绘声绘色的讲故事,纯正美音,给孩子更精准的英语启蒙。 绘本简介:美国企鹅兰登出版社 All Aboard Reading 系列分级读物最初级——Picture Reader,台湾名师汪培珽《培养孩子的英文耳朵》第一阶段推荐读物,用图像替代名词的方式,帮助孩子加深对单词的理解和记忆,12册和孩子们生活经验相关的故事,关于勇气、关怀、幽默……主播简介: Joel,来自美国加州,在中国一线城市从事英语教育多年,因为很有耐心,而且对管教孩子很有方法,所以...
很棒的一套桥梁书,适合启蒙~~~欢迎加群:300328917 一起探讨亲子启蒙
01.Don't Wake the Baby! 别把宝宝吵醒了! 02.Benny's Big Bubble 班尼的大泡泡 03.Silly Willy 好笑的威利 04.The Big Snowball 大雪球 05.Otto the Cat 猫咪奥图 06.The Little Engine That Could Help Out 小火车来帮忙 07.Lots of Hearts 好多的心形 08.Pig Out! 猪游记! 09.Picky Nicky 挑嘴的妮琪 10.In a dark,dark house 在很暗很暗的屋子里 11.Too Noisy! 太吵了! 12.Is That You,Santa? 是你吗,圣诞老人?
At Crash Course, we believe that high quality educational videos should be available to everyone for free. The Crash Course team has produced more than 15 courses to date, and these videos accompany high school and college level classes ranging from the humanities to the sciences. Crash Course transforms the traditional textbook model by presenting information in a fast-paced format, enhancing the learning experience. With hundreds of millions of views on our YouTube channel, Crash Course has a worldwide audience in and out of classrooms. While the show is an immensely helpful tool for students and teachers, it also has a large viewership of casual learners who seek out online educational content independently. It has changed attitudes towards education by creating a community of learners who are looking for more than just help passing a test. We hope Crash Course is useful to you, and thanks for watching!
【自习室 STUDYROOM 】是两位热爱铁三、读书和创业的卷王记录自我突破的旅程。我们聊运动,更聊运动对精神和心理的重塑;我们聊人物,聊人性的幽微,也聊超越生命的人格;我们聊读书,更聊如何打破书与生活的界限,用阅读和思考改变生活、创造生活。我们在...