听力peter William
莎士比亚 William Shakespeare
It is a semi-autobiographical novel by William S. BurroughsNO MORE EXPLAINATIONCheck out yourself
英文名:William the Conqueror中文名:征服者威廉作者: Jacob Abbott难度:1120L内容介绍:有一些名字,作为名字,是全人类所熟悉的;每一个追求任何程度的精神修养的人,都会感到渴望了解他们历史上的主要轮廓,以便他能简明扼要地知道,在他们的性格或他们的行为中,是什么给了他们如此广泛的名声。因此,本书只选取了伟大的历史人物;作者的目的是以大胆而自由的方式,但又以简单明了的语言,介绍他们性格中的突出和主要特征,以及他们生活中的所有重要事件.There are certain names which are familiar, as names, to all mankind; and every person who seeks for any degree of mental cultivation, feels desirous of informing himself of the leading outlines of their history, that he may know, in brief, what it was in their characters or their doings which has given them so widely-extended a fame. Consequently, great historical names alone are selected; and it has been the writer’s aim to present the prominent and leading traits in their characters, and all the important events in their lives, in a bold and free manner, and yet in the plain and simple language which is so obviously required in works which aim at permanent and practical usefulness. This volume is dedicated to William the Conqueror.
Before his 1959 breakthrough, "Naked Lunch," an unknown William S. Burroughs wrote "Junk," his first book, a candid, eyewitness account of times and places that are now long gone. This book brings them vividly to life again; it is an unv...
William Trowbridge Larned - American Indian Fairy Tales...
Burroughs描写的是美国街道上的最失意的浪荡子。读他的作品没有Ginsberg那种来自主体精神幻想的欢愉,我是说他需要借助外力,虽然他们本质上来说都痛苦。也没有Kerouac笔下的美国风光,人文精神。 Burroughs就是完完全全被困在某个时空里面,被裹挟着,一...
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