a to z听力
A to Z谜案
A to Z Mystery
reading a to z a级
Kipper’s A to Z
Kipper's A to Z
Kipper's A to Z
本专辑的每一条内容都是介绍一个科学词汇(science term)。用诙谐有趣的方式定义的科学词汇,会使你印象深刻,轻松记忆。在学习科学词汇用英文怎么说的同时,也可以学习地道标准美音。主播的语速轻缓,适合磨耳朵,也适合跟读哦。
24 lectures | 15 minutes per lectureWhat’s the deal with slang like “baby mama” and “LOL”- where does it come from and can it actually be OK to use?Why don’t English speakers use words like “thou” and “thee” anymore?What makes ...
讲述了三个孩子碰到各种案件, 运用线索, 通过思索, 调查研究, 推理, 最后抓住罪犯的故事。三个主角有男孩有女孩,所以男女小学生都适读。故事情节跌宕曲折,人物心理描写得细致入微。书中有大量孩子之间的日常对话,不仅为孩子学习英语提供了标准、地...
名家安田国画,请加Q:6727595,淘宝官方网店:南京紫云堂画廊 http://ziyuntang.taobao.com原版有声书MP3及其他资源,加Q群:小荷读书 197178452
蚯蚓先生开着苹果车(apple car)beep beep !猴子先生开着香蕉摩托车(bananamobile)zoom zoom !、小猪先生开着玉米车(corn car)honk honk !、小老鼠兄弟开着蜡笔小汽车(crayon car)hoot hoot !、小鸡先生开着鸡蛋卡车(egg truck)toot toot !……这...
Get into the habit of reading 20 books of Reading A to Z Levels B-C out loud every day to improve your English! For best results, make sure the stories are easy for you, and on the first day, read books 1-20; on the second day, read book...