poor army听力

Salute The Army-Main Event Army

Poor Poor Me-Fats Domino

Poor Economics

poor English

Army of None

The King's Army

Personal finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences - his two fathers. This text lays out Kiyosaki's philosophy and his relationship with money.

《富爸爸·穷爸爸》(英语:Rich Dad Poor Dad)是由罗伯特·清崎和莎朗·L·莱希特合著的书,以提倡“财务智商(财商)”的教育成为畅销书。根据清崎在书中写道,当初撰写“富爸爸.穷爸爸”,主要是为了向对现金流游戏有兴趣的朋友讲解游戏,并希望带出...

Antikue returns to meplus1 with his 2nd EP of leftfield house-orientated music. 3 tracks spanning a wide cross-section of electronica, it's broken beat it's half time, it's housey, it's pretty much a selection of great tracks. To be hone...

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QbotKDbAAUHs_xviZK9YbA 提取码:lyctRich Dad Poor DadWhat the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!By: Robert T. KiyosakiNarrated by: Tim WheelerLength: 6 hrs and 9 minsUnabri...

Thornton W. BURGESS (1874 - 1965)"Hello, Jerry Muskrat! We'd forgotten all about you," said Mrs. Quack. "What was that you said?" Jerry good-naturedly repeated what he had said. Mrs. Quack's face brightened. "Do you really mean it?" sh...

英文名:The Poor Little Rich Girl中文名:贫穷的小富女作者: Eleanor Gates (1875-1951)难度:内容介绍:The Poor Little Rich Girl is a children’s fantasy about a little girl named Gwendolyn who is lonely and longs for a friend. But she is isolated by rich parents who ignore her and left to the care of servants who are indifferent. Her nanny’s carelessness with some medicine plunges Gwendolyn into a bewildering world in which metaphors literally come to life.是一部儿童幻想小说,讲述了一个名叫格温多林的小女孩,她很孤独,渴望有一个朋友。但她被有钱的父母孤立,父母对她不理不睬,任由仆人照顾,仆人对她漠不关心。她的保姆对一些药品的不小心,让格温多林陷入了一个迷茫的世界,在这个世界里,隐喻真的活了过来。

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