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Language Of Love-Various Artists
Language defines us as a species, placing humans head and shoulders above even the most proficient animal communicators. But it also beguiles us with its endless mysteries, allowing us to ponder why different languages emerged, why there is...
这是John Lyons所著的“Language and Linguistics An introduction”即语言与语言学 一部简介,纯英文著作,英国剑桥大学出版社出版,国内难以购买纸质版。适合英语语言学相关专业硕士研究生或没有接触过语言学的初学者阅读。该书首次印刷时间为1981年,2009年第19次印刷。本专辑根据个人的阅读习惯全英文介绍该书(个别地方可能会用汉语解释下术语),也可能含有些自己的理解。谨以此专辑记录本人读此书的经历。
英国教育文化处2019年全球最佳少儿英语教材金奖,全体系英语 “指南针Compass”对标剑桥英语五级KET,PET和FCE考试,美国小学英语课程标准,蓝思阅读指数指数等。
如何在有限的时间内帮助成人学习者迅速进入英语学习状态,掌握真实世界语言技能?需要设置怎样的学习内容和练习环节,才能让他们在碎片化的学习时间中快速学以致用?针对成人学习者的独特需求和特点,麦克米伦教育为青年、成人英语学习者打造了全新课程 A...
有声书公.众.号:平安喜乐有声书 后台回复'有声书合集',超级大礼包限时免费领:)想听的,想读的都有的,欢迎个人微信 tuibianchengdie2005 咨询备注 喜马拉雅:)The Language InstinctHow the Mind Creates LanguageBy: Steven PinkerNarrated by: Arthur MoreyLength: 18 hrs and 55 minsUnabridged AudiobookRelease...
What is our species’ greatest invention? Medicine, computers, space travel? Not even close. The innovation that underlies each of our past achievements and those we still aspire to is language. Language is the ultimate invention of Homo sap...
英国教育文化处2019年全球最佳少儿英语教材金奖,全体系英语 “指南针Compass”对标剑桥英语五级KET,PET和FCE考试,美国小学英语课程标准,蓝思阅读指数指数等。
This is a class I taught in Xi'An Technological University. The content is not new. But I am confident that the talk is new.My Blog: http://greatfree.lofter.comMy Email: bing dot li AT asu dot eduYou are welcome to our QQ group: 469024...