santa fe 听力

santa song

Is That You Santa?

Is That You , Santa

When Santa Fell to Earth

Here Comes Santa Clause-Various Artists

Zat You Santa Claus-Various Artists

5岁+Written by Karen Chilvers, Gill EastgateRead by Wendy WolfsonChristmas is cancelled....

英文名:The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus中文名:《圣诞老人的生活和历险记》作者: L. Frank Baum难度:1170L内容介绍:这篇精彩的儿童小故事讲述了圣诞老人的青年、成年、老年以及他如何成为不朽的故事。This wonderful children’s short story tells all about the youth, manhood and old age of Santa Claus and how he became immortal. (Introduction by jedopi)

Is That you,Santa 世界上真的有圣诞老人吗?小编带来了一个既生动又有趣的绘本故事——《A Picture reader》系列的《Is That you,Santa?》 叙述一个小男孩期待圣诞老人到来的心情变化。书中还介绍了许多关于圣诞节的单字,例如:reindeer、Santa、bells、sled等。讲故事的同事,可以让孩子和书中的小男孩一起经历期待圣诞节的心情。 对应PDF文本 关注公众号回复 企鹅 得该系列全套绘本PDF...



