Sick Dreams-K Slim
Mind Sick-AK Bando
Love Sick-Reh Dogg
Sick Dreams-K Slim
Why We Get Sick
大家好,欢迎来到我的英文童诗专辑,在这里我收集了适合孩子阅读的英文童诗和儿歌,希望能够帮助孩子培养阅读英文的能力与习惯。如果需要获得孩子英文朗读和阅读能力的指导,欢迎关注WX公众号:MollyEnglishPoems。 春天的到来总是让人感到欣喜,可这种欣喜多数是诗人们的杜撰。因为春天的气温忽上忽下,小朋友们特别容易出现身体不适。除了带好口罩,平时注意休息,那我们能做的就是静待它离我们而去。不管你是否被他们正面相逢,但都不妨碍我们一起来聊聊感冒发烧这些事儿。 The alphabet song By Hooked on phonics a b c d (repeat) e f g (repeat) everybody sings the alphabet with me. h i j k (repeat) l m n (repeat ) you know it sounds so nice, we're gonna sing it twice or maybe once again o p q (repeat ) r s t (repeat ) u v (repeat ) w x y z 1. alphabet [ˈælfəbet]字母表 听过了这么多的字母歌有没有觉得这一首不太一样?是的,这就是我听到过的最好听的字母歌啦,送给大家,接下来会有一系列的字母歌送给大家,希望大家能够一起唱起来。 Sick days Mary ann hoberman On days when I am sick in bed My mother is so nice; She brings me bowls of chicken soup And ginger ale with ice. She cuts the crusts off buttered toast And serves it on a tray And sits down while I eat it And doesn't go away. She reads my favorite books to me; She lets me take my pick; And everything is perfect- Except that I am sick! 1. ginger ale [ˈdʒindʒə eɪl]姜汁无酒精饮料 2. toast [təʊst] n.烤面包 3. crust [krʌst] n.面包皮 4. serve [sɜ:v] v.送上 5. tray[treɪ]n.托盘 6. except [ɪkˈsept]prep.除...之外 Mary Ann hoberman的诗歌读起来朗朗上口,这一首也不例外。不仅如此,她的诗歌描写的情景总是特别贴近孩子的经历。这首诗歌当中的小朋友生病之后,一边享受妈妈的细心体贴的照顾,同时又夹杂着一点点的忧伤的感觉,你是否还记得? My Job By John Collis I am a young bacterium And I enjoy my work I snuggle into people's food I lie in wait-I lurk. They smell a bit and chew a bit And say,'This can't be beaten' But then in bed they groan and moan, 'I wish I hadn't eaten.' 在显微镜没有发明之前人们一直不清楚为什么会得病。显微镜发明了之后发现,不干净的食物是许多疾病产生的元凶。所以大家一定要记住,不干净的东西不要吃,等吃下去肚子疼得直打滚可就难受啦。 1. job [dʒɒb] n.工作 2. bacterium [bæk'tɪərɪəm] n.细菌 3. snuggle [ˈsnʌgl]v.依偎 4. lie [laɪ] v.躺着 5. lurk [lɜ:k] v.潜伏 6. chew [tʃu:] v.咀嚼 7. groan[grəʊn]v.呻吟 8. moan [məʊn] v.呻吟着说 Molly老师已经在小打卡开通了打卡活动,欢迎感兴趣的朋友参加!
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