Cacklefur Castle
Matchstick Castle
The Castle Corona
The Glass Castle
Howl's Moving Castle
Kingless Castle-The Kodaks
read by Emilia Fox
Written by Megan Frazer BlakemoreRead by Chris Henry CoffeyFormat: MP3Ephraim Appledore-Smith是一个普通的男孩,在他父亲中风之前,他一直过着普通的生活。但是,当他的家人搬到水堡--他们在水晶泉小镇的祖居时,这一切都发生了改变。马洛里-格林的家族一直是水堡的看护者,也是传说中隐藏在庄园内的 "青春之泉 "的守护者。Will Wylie的家族与Applegates家族世...
I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith(BY:Emilia Fox)
The Enchanted Castle (魔法城堡)动画系列改编于著名英国作家伊迪斯·内斯比特(Edith Nesbit)的经典英文作品。在一个特别的假期,Gerald, Kathleen, 和 Jimmy 意外发现了一个神秘的城堡以及一个可以让人隐身的神奇戒指!
read by emilia fox
英文名:The Enchanted Castle: Fairy Tales from Flowerland中文名:《迷人的城堡 花地童话》作者: Hartwell James难度:520L内容介绍:当冬雪消失,大地再次披上美丽的绿装时,每一个男孩和女孩--------也是每一个男人和女人------都会感到欣喜,因为那时花儿从睡梦中醒来,给大地披上了美丽的外衣。因为所有的男孩和女孩都喜欢花,所以读过这本书的人都会对花儿的美丽故事感兴趣,当他们知道一些花儿的过去的历史和一些与花儿有关的事件时,就会更加喜欢它们。Every boy and girl—and for that matter every man and woman, too—rejoices when the winter snows have vanished and the earth once more puts on her beautiful dress of green, for then the flowers wake from their sleep and clothe the earth with beauty.Because all boys and girls love flowers, those of them who read this book will be interested in the beautiful stories they have to tell, loving them even more when they know something of their past history and some of the events with which they are associated.
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