living well 听力
Well Done
All's Well That Ends Well
Living Planet
Lakeshore Living
Living Lifeless
A laugh-out-loud romantic comedy featuring kilted musicians, Renaissance Faire tavern wenches, and an unlikely love story.LibraryReads PickStacey is jolted when her friends Simon and Emily get engaged. She knew she was putting her...
这套吉米.哈利创作的【万物】系列畅销全球30年的经典,被《人民日报》推荐为最值得阅读的50本书之一。荣登《纽约时报》畅销榜榜首,被BBC拍成热门英剧火遍世界。即便没有扑朔迷离的情节,没有凄美的爱情故事,但他自有魔力吸引所有年龄层的人带着微笑不停地不停地读下去。 这是一个乡村兽医充满了牛屎,猪尿,苦逼的行医生活。但作者却用他魔法般的手笔,用他欢快幽默苦中作乐的精神,用他真挚的情感,让我们在其间读出了美好和幸福。睡前可以读一两篇,一晚上就是好梦。如需文...
Mistborn: The Well of Ascension is a fantasy novel written by American author Brandon Sanderson. It was published on August 21, 2007, by Tor Books and is the second novel in the Mistborn trilogy. It is preceded by The Final Empire in 200...