slow food 听力原文
需要音频以及一些相关文本的朋友,请关注公.zhong.号:aixuewaiyu,在里面回复:意大利初级,即可获取相关内容下载哦! 这个内容为全英文讲解的课程,是有一定英语基础又想学习意大利的零基础学生来说不错的内容,免费提供22集课程文本和生词卡,其余像课文内容等文本都是付费的,所以找不到。 What is Italian for Beginners Language Theatre? Is it a course or a play? It’s both! We proudly present a one-of-a kind educational program for beginners that includes vocabulary, grammar, exercises, dialogue, and much more in the form of a theatrical performance! The plot of the play is simple. Silvia, our Italian tutor, gives one-on-one lessons to a beginner student, Connor. Silvia has three rules for her student: 1. Complete the assigned lesson on the website and memorize new vocabulary on the flashcards before coming in for one-on-one studies. 2. You can talk about anything, as long as you employ grammar introduced in the lesson. 3. Don't be afraid to switch to English if you don’t know how to say something in Italian - but switch back to Italian as soon as you can!
托福听力TPO 55-71听力原文
需要真题和答案和听力原文请找威•心:yiguoguo8领取 以下为考试简介:●从 2019 年 5 月起,实施新 J.TEST 考试。 新 J.TEST 考试分为三个级别, 详情如下:●【A-C 级别】 满分 1000 分、600 分以上可以获得认定【A-C 级别】, 可测定 N1 以上级别的能力...
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35届TOPIK初级听力原文 更多资讯可以添加老师微信号进行询问 老师微信:13750847112 也可以关注老师微信公众号:韩语老师陈嘉莉