听力living states

Warring States

30 States-Juglife Handz

Lakeshore Living

Living Lifeless

Living Planet

Living Enlightenment


这套吉米.哈利创作的【万物】系列畅销全球30年的经典,被《人民日报》推荐为最值得阅读的50本书之一。荣登《纽约时报》畅销榜榜首,被BBC拍成热门英剧火遍世界。即便没有扑朔迷离的情节,没有凄美的爱情故事,但他自有魔力吸引所有年龄层的人带着微笑不停地不停地读下去。 这是一个乡村兽医充满了牛屎,猪尿,苦逼的行医生活。但作者却用他魔法般的手笔,用他欢快幽默苦中作乐的精神,用他真挚的情感,让我们在其间读出了美好和幸福。睡前可以读一两篇,一晚上就是好梦。如需文...

A Short History of the United States

History of the United Statesby Charles Austin Beard, Mary Ritter Beard扫二维码,关注公众号,获取电子书~...



The English version of 'Living a Feminist Life'.

This album captures the essence of military discipline and camaraderie through a collection of powerful and rhythmic military cadences. With each track, listeners are transported to the heart of the training ground, where soldiers move i...