英语阅读每一天,和我一起快乐学英语吧。 本专辑包含小学生英语阅读理解及初中英语阅读理解,最适合五、六、七年级学生听。还包含英语阅读小课堂。快来听听吧。 每天更新四集,每周五增加英语阅读小课堂。
01. What is Deep Learning 02. What is a Neural Network 03. Supervised Learning with Neural Networks 04. Drivers Behind the Rise of Deep Learning 05. Binary Classification in Deep Learning 06. Logistic Regression 07. Logistic Regression Cost Function 08. Gradient Descent 09. Derivatives 10. Derivatives Examples 11. Computation Graph 12. Derivatives with a Computation Graph 13. Logistic Regression Derivatives 14. Gradient Descent on m Training Examples 15. Vectorization 16. More Vectorization Examples 17. Vectorizing Logistic Regression 18. Vectorizing Logistic Regression's Gradient Computation 19. Broadcasting in Python 20. Python-Numpy 21. Jupyter-iPython 22. Logistic Regression Cost Function Explanation 23. Neural Network Overview 24. Neural Network Representation 25. Computing a Neural Network's Output 26. Vectorizing Across Multiple Training Examples 27. Vectorized Implementation Explanation 28. Activation Functions 29. Why Non-Linear Activation Function 30. Derivatives of Activation Functions 。。。。 58. Exponentially Weighted Averages 59. Understanding Exponentially Weighted Averages 60. Bias Correction in Exponentially Weighted Average 61. Gradient Descent with Momentum 62. RMSprop 63. Adam Optimization Algorithm 64. Learning Rate Decay 65. The Problem of Local Optima 66. Tunning Process 67. Right Scale for Hyperparameters 68. Hyperparameters tuning in Practice Panda vs. Caviar 69. Batch Norm 70. Fitting Batch Norm into a Neural Network 71. Why Does Batch Nom Work 72. Batch Norm at Test Time 73. Softmax Regression 74. Training a Softmax Classifier 75. Deep Learning Frameworks 76. TensorFlow 77. Why ML Strategy 78. Orthogonalization 79. Single Number Evaluation Metric 80. Satisfying and Optimizing Metrics 81. train dev test distributions 82. Size of dev and test sets 83. When to change dev test sets and metrics 84. Why human-level performance 85. Avoidable Bias 86. Understanding Human-Level Performance 87. Surpassing Human-Level Performance 88. Improving Your Model Performance 89. Carrying Out Error Analysis 90. Cleaning Up Incorrect Labeled Data 91. Build Your First System Quickly, Then Iterate 92. Training and Testing on Different Distributions 93. Bias and Variance with Mismatched data distributions 94. Addressing Data Mismatch 95. Transfer Learning 96. Multi-Task Learning 97. End-to-End Deep Learning 98. Whether to use End-to-End Learning
小学英语阅读100篇内容包含以下001 Poor Man!002 Kate003 Can you find bob004 My Room005 What Are They Doing006 My Family007 An Outing008 Our Class 009 Never Late 010 In the Classroom
《小学英语阅读100篇》是由英语教育专家、外国语学校校长、中学英语高级教师、第一线的小学英语骨干教师联手策划编写的。 用到《小学英语阅读100篇》的小朋友会对它爱不释手,因为它是那么的亲切、有趣、易懂、易学。当你翻开每一页,边听着优美动人的纯正英语,边看着书上活泼可爱的配画,你会想啊想,猜啊猜,有时幽默的故事会让你笑出声来。1.PoorMan!2.Kate3.CanYouFindBob?4.MyRoom5.WhatAreTheyDoing?6.MyFamily7.AnOuti...
作者:钱丽英 等编出版社:上海外语教育出版社出版时间:2008年10月 本书是由英语教育专家、外国语学校校长、中学英语高级教师、第一线的小学英语骨干教师联手策划编写的。 读到本书的小朋友会对它爱不释手,因这它是那么的亲切、有趣、易懂...