
每学期按16周64课时设计,既每周教学一个单元,每单元教学3-4课时 2级上:以学校生活为主题,以语音教学为基础,以听说为重点。学习有关时间、星期、活动、爱好、交通方式及颜色的相关英语表达,共涉及单词和词组100个左右。通过本册书的学习,学生会用英...

每学期按16周64课时设计,既每周教学一个单元,每单元教学3-4课时 2级下:学习有关事物、饮料、活动、疾病、天气等英语但刺激相关的日常交际用语。学会应英语表达喜欢某种食物或饮料,看病,打电话,询问天气,以及有关英国国家的社会与文化知识。

剑桥小学英语六年级上册外研版 | 每天三分钟,轻松学英语想要免费听英语教材吗?想要快速学好英语吗?Roy课堂开讲啦,快来收听吧!喜欢记得关注主播,更多英语教材免费听~

剑桥小学英语五年级下册外研版 | 每天三分钟,轻松学英语想要免费听英语教材吗?想要快速学好英语吗?Roy课堂开讲啦,快来收听吧!喜欢记得关注主播,更多英语教材免费听~

剑桥小学英语六年级下册外研版 | 每天三分钟,轻松学英语想要免费听英语教材吗?想要快速学好英语吗?Roy课堂开讲啦,快来收听吧!喜欢记得关注主播,更多英语教材免费听~

To create a positive and supportive environment where children can feel comfortable and confident in using English as a means of communication.

To create a positive and supportive environment where children can feel comfortable and confident in using English as a means of communication.



To create a positive and supportive environment where children can feel comfortable and confident in using English as a means of communication.

To create a positive and supportive environment where children can feel comfortable and confident in using English as a means of communication.


To create a positive and supportive environment where children can feel comfortable and confident in using English as a means of communication.


小学英语是英语基础,基础打好了,将来会事半功倍。希望小朋友能够坚持听我的讲座,三五个月之后,你就会发现一个不一样的你,加油哦❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)