小学英语be going to

HiEnglish英语课内同步辅导课,由外教主讲,目前面向小学,英语沉浸式教学,来锻炼学生英语能力,为中高考和出国长远考虑并奠定基础。外教都是有着多年的教学经验,让我们跟着外教一起攻克英语,给孩子创造一个更好的未来~~HiEnglish老外教你学英语祝您一臂之力:纯外教线上一对一、沉浸式,足不出户就能跟外教学习地道英语!“HiEnglish老外教你学英语”简介Learning English should be enjoyable; LearningEnglish shoul...


小学英语是英语基础,基础打好了,将来会事半功倍。希望小朋友能够坚持听我的讲座,三五个月之后,你就会发现一个不一样的你,加油哦❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)




节目也有对应视频版,让孩子轻松有趣学英语。更多免费音视频学习资料分享,vx:xinfangzi66, 备注“喜马拉雅”。

小学生英语, 单词、课文、课后拓展

You Deserve to Be Rich: Master the Inner Game of Wealth and Claim Your Future无论你在哪里长大,你都应该有钱。你应该享受购物的乐趣,而不必担心账户透支;应该去度假,关心你爱的人,而无需担忧账单。你应当以自己想要的方式生活,没有保留,没有恐...

A revolutionary playbook for building generational wealth, no matter where you grew up—from the founders of the explosively popular podcast and financial literacy platform Earn Your Leisure

The Freakonomics of math—a math-world superstar unveils the hidden beauty and logic of the world and puts its power in our handsThe math we learn in school can seem like a dull set of rules, laid down by the ancients and not to be questione...

Lilly Singh isn’t just a superstar. She’s Superwoman—which is also the name of her wildly popular channel. Funny, smart, and insightful, the actress and comedian covers topics ranging from relationships to career choices to everyday annoyances. It’s no wonder she’s garnered more than a billion views. But Lilly didn’t get to the top by being lucky—she had to work for it. Hard.Now Lilly wants to share the lessons she learned while taking the world by storm, and the tools she used to do it. How to Be a Bawse is the definitive guide to conquering life. Make no mistake, there are no shortcuts to success, personal or professional. World domination requires real effort, dedication, and determination. Just consider Lilly a personal trainer for your life—with fifty rules to get you in the game, including• Let Go of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Temptation will try to steer you away from your goals. FOMO is just a test of your priorities, a test that a bawse is ready to pass.• Be Nice to People: Treat niceness like an item on your daily to-do list. People will go out of their way to help and support you because you make them feel good.• Schedule Inspiration: Lack of motivation isn’t permanent or a sign of weakness. Expect it and proactively schedule time to be creative. • Be the Dumbest: Challenge yourself by surrounding yourself with people who know more than you do. It’s a vital way to learn and improve.Told in Lilly’s hilarious, bold voice and packed with photos and candid stories from her journey to the top, How to Be a Bawse will make you love your life and yourself—even more than you love Beyoncé. (Yes, we said it!)