英语启蒙reading AZ
英语flashkids课程介绍 课程目标:培养地道英语思维,提升英语运用能力,无缝衔接美国中学,并且能提前熟悉和适应美国教育的学习模式,摒弃中国应试教育的弊端,解决中国学生游学后“水土不服”等问题。阶梯式课程 分级教学 由浅入深 逐级递进 全面提升Reading Skills教材的特点:原汁原味的文章难度由浅入深符合不同阶段不同年龄的儿童心理涵盖范围广泛:人物,事务,童话,科学,地理,历史阅读Reading SkillsGrade...
1-Update: Pay attention to me from time to time2-Anchor Introduction:"KAMIE" Listen to more stories, my wish is world peace.
影子跟读:像原声的影子一样,根据听到的原声做实时的模仿复述。具体操作就是当原声在读第二个或者第三个单词时,开始跟读第一个单词并保持语速,语调,语气,内容一致,是提高英语语音语调的大杀器! Shadow Reading: This activity uses a text from the course book, and involves listening and pronunciation practice. This task is challenging and motivating and can be used at any level. Procedure: 1. Teacher reads the text aloud and students follow, marking the text for stress 2. Teacher reads the text a second time and the students mark for linking 3. Individual chunks that show good examples of linking or problematic pronunciation can then be drilled 4. Students practise these aspects of pronunciation by reading the text to themselves before the teacher reads the text aloud again and they listen 5. Then the students read the text with the teacher and they have to start and finish at the same time as the teacher, who reads the text at normal speed 6. This works well after some exposure to the rules of pronunciation - connected speech, stress and intonation.
《培生儿童英语》系列,是非常不错的学习蓝本。它最大的特点,就是运用最地道有趣的英语语言,编纂为有趣活泼的故事,在此基础上又没有脱离儿童学习规律的科学系统,尽可能运用科学的方法给孩子进行英语启蒙,是一套非常经典、实用的少儿英语读物。我和孩子们一起学习,感觉很棒。现在快学完了《儿童幼儿启蒙英语》(LevelA+Level B),为了便于孩子们把学会的东西进行巩固,把绘本音频的材料稍做添加放上来,随时播放给孩子听。
更多免费音视频学习资料,vx:xinfangzi66, 备注“喜马拉雅”。