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大家好,欢迎来到我的英文童诗专辑,在这里我收集了适合孩子阅读的英文童诗和儿歌,希望能够帮助孩子培养阅读英文的能力与习惯。如果需要获得孩子英文朗读和阅读能力的指导,欢迎关注WX公众号:MollyEnglishPoems。 作为未来的全球公民,让孩子熟练地运用英语是他们的必修课。 让迎君老师带着孩子一起来读英文诗歌吧!每一首童诗都是迎君老师精心挑选,有趣而且细腻,同时带着儿童独特的视角。它们就是一艘小船,让孩子在文字的世界中起航。 You are my sunshine From Kiboomers You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray. You never know dear, how much I love you, Please don’t take my sunshine away, please don’t take my sunshine away. 1. sun·shine [ˈsʌnʃaɪn]n.阳光,欢乐 2. gray[greɪ] adj.灰白的,阴暗的 3. only [ˈəʊnli] adj.仅有的 People By Charlotte Zolotow Some people talk and talk and never say a thing. Some people look at you and birds begin to sing. Some people laugh and laugh and yet you want to cry. Some people touch your hand and music fills the sky. 1. yet [jet] adv.但是 2. never [ˈnevə(r)]adv.从不 3. begin [bɪˈgɪn]v.开始 4. touch[tʌtʃ]v.触摸 5. music [ˈmju:zɪk]n.音乐 6. fill [fɪl]v.充满 Sing a Song of People By Lois Lenski Sing a Song of People, Walking fast or slow; People in the city, Up and down they go. People passing, passing, In back and front of us. People with umbrellas When it rains and pours. People in tall buildings And in stores below; Riding elevators Up and down they go. People walking singly, People in a crowd; People laughing, smiling, Grumpy people too; People who just hurry And never look at you! Song of city people You see but never know! (Adapted by Molly Li) 1. people [ˈpi:pl]n.人 2. pass [pɑ:s]v.经过 3. umbrella[ʌmˈbrelə]n.伞 4. pour [pɔ:(r)]v.倾倒 5. singly[ˈsɪŋgli]adv.单独地 6. crowd[kraʊd]n.人群 7. grumpy [ˈgrʌmpi] adj.脾气坏的 8. city[ˈsɪti]n.城市 欢迎加入迎君老师的诗歌打卡群上传打卡录音,戳下图二维码→关注小打卡→点击参加活动就能打卡啦,还能获得老师的免费点评,想挑战的速速前来:
大家好,欢迎来到我的英文童诗专辑,在这里我收集了适合孩子阅读的英文童诗和儿歌,希望能够帮助孩子培养阅读英文的能力与习惯。如果需要获得孩子英文朗读和阅读能力的指导,欢迎关注WX公众号:MollyEnglishPoems。 我们许多人的童年都少不了爷爷奶奶还有外公外婆的陪伴,他们虽然性格不同,陪伴的方式不一样,但他们对孙辈浓浓的爱意温暖着我们,对于我们的点滴成就总是津津乐道。本周我们一起通过文字和歌曲来回顾爷爷奶奶还有外公外婆给我们留下的回忆,温暖还有故事吧。 A Song for Grandparents Lyrics by John Riggio You spend time with me, you see the best in me, and you’re great to be around. You read books to me, you want me to succeed, and your wishes for me grow far. So thank you grandma, thank you grandpa, I am so very proud you’re in my life. I just have to let you go. You have fun with me, you take me out to eat, and I like when we hang out. So thank you grandma, thank you grandpa, I am so very glad you’re in my life and I love you very much. 1. spend [spend] v.花钱,花(时间) 2. a·round [əˈraʊnd]adv.在周围 3. suc·ceed[səkˈsi:d] v.成功 4. proud [praʊd] adj.自豪的 5. hang out在一起闲逛 Grandpa Never Sleeps By Mark Burgess Grandpa doesn't sleep at night, He never sleeps a wink. Instead he tinkers with the car Or mends the kitchen sink. Sometimes he picks fruits, Or polishes the floor. And other nights he's shopping, At the local all-night store. Last night he papered half the hall, And built a garden shed. But when the rest of us got up, He didn't go to bed. I don't know how he does it. He's always on the go. Grandpa never sleeps AT ALL-- At least. I think that's so... 1. wink [wɪŋk] n.一眨眼间 2. tin·ker [ˈtɪŋkə(r)]v.粗补 3. mend [mend]v.修补 4. po·lish [ˈpɒlɪʃ]v.打磨 5. lo·cal[ˈləʊkl]adj.本地的 6. store [stɔ:(r)] n.商店 7. pa· per[ˈpeɪpə(r)]v.贴墙纸 8. hall [hɔ:l] n.过道 9. shed [ʃed] n.棚 10. at least adv.至少 Grandmas By Mary Ann Hoberman My grandma's face is rosy red; She wears a scarf around her head. And when she tucks me into bed, She plants three kisses on my head. And in the spring she always makes A garden which she hoes and rakes; She rubs my tummy when it aches, And bakes me special birthday cakes. My other grandma's face is pale; She sends me letters in the mail: She taught me how to play the scale. And once she wrote a fairy tale. She knits me mittens,scarves,and socks. She helps build castles with my blocks. And when I got the chicken pox, She let me have her button box. 1. scarf[skɑ:f] (scarves pl.)n.围巾 2. tuck [tʌk] v.盖住 3. plant kisses全心全意地吻 4. hoe [həʊ] v.锄地 5. rake [reɪk]v.梳理 6. pale [peɪl]adj.苍白的 7. mail [meɪl]n.邮件 8. play the scale [skeɪl]玩乐器 9. fairy tale童话 10. mi·tten [ˈmɪtn]n.联指手套 11. chicken pox水痘 12. castle[ˈkɑ:sl]n.城堡 13. block [blɒk]n.积木 14. bu·tton [ˈbʌtn]n.纽扣 欢迎加入Molly老师的诗歌打卡群上传打卡录音,戳下图二维码→关注小打卡→点击参加活动就能打卡啦,第一周还能获得老师的免费点评,想挑战的速速前来: