高阶 001.5丨理智与情感:闪电般的爱情

高阶 001***************




搬到巴顿小屋之后呢,Dashwood一家算是安顿了下来,也结识了新朋友。上次课我们见识了一下土豪乡绅的生活。也看到Marianne对三十五岁大龄军官Colonel Brandon的各种嫌弃“He may well have outlived real feeling and true enjoyment.”这个时候,姐姐Elinor说,老不老是个相对概念:


'Perhaps,' said Elinor, 'thirty-five and seventeen had better not have anything to do with marriage together. But a single woman of twenty-seven, for example, could easily consider Colonel Brandon's thirty-five years no disadvantage.'




'A woman of twenty-seven,' said Marianne, after a moment's thought, 'can never hope to feel true love again. And if her home is uncomfortable, or her fortune small, I suppose that she could accept the duties of a nurse in order to become a wife. It would be a marriage of convenience, if Colonel Brandon married such a woman. The world would be happy with it, but in my eyes it would be no marriage at all.'




* a marriage of convenience 利益婚姻








There was general admiration of his manly beauty. Marianne had seen less of his person than the others, because of her natural confusion when he lifted her in his arms, but his appearance and behaviour seemed all that was perfect to her. Her imagination was busy, her thoughts were pleasant, and the pain of a turned ankle went unnoticed.



*manly beauty 阳刚之美

*see less of his person,person在这里是比较古老的用法,意思是bodily appearance。

*turned ankle 扭伤的脚腕

Her imagination was busy, her thoughts were pleasant, and the pain of a turned ankle went unnoticed. 少女心爆棚。

*…go+形容词:变成(尤其是指变成不好的状态)。例如; The food has gone bad.食物变质了。Her mind immediately went blank. 她的大脑一片空白。


凭借危难时刻的出手相救以及老少通吃的manly beauty, Willoughby获得了全家的好感,Marianne对他的印象是Perfect,完美!在这次见面之后,Marianne又向Sir John打听Willoughby是个怎样的人:讨人喜欢,爱好交际,不知疲倦。听得Marianne十分激动,感叹“That is what I like, a young man who is enthusiastic and eager in all he does, who never gets tired.” 在这样的基调下,两个又见面了。 


Marianne's rescuer, as Margaret called him, arrived at the cottage early next morning, and was received by Mrs Dashwood with more than politeness. (During his visit, Willoughby rapidly became aware of the sense, elegance, affection and domestic comfort of the family to whoman accident had introduced him.) Both Elinor and Marianne had pretty faces and lovely figures, but in Marianne's beautiful dark eyes burned an eager firewhich drew Willoughby to her. She could not be silent when he spoke of music and dancing, and showed no shyness in their discussion. They soon discovered how many interests and opinions they shared, and long before his visit came to an end, they were talking and laughing together like old friends.



【长难句分析·定语从句】During his visit, Willoughby rapidly became aware of the sense, elegance, affection and domestic comfort of the family to whom an accident had introduced him.


1. During his visit, Willoughby rapidly became aware of the sense, elegance, affection and domestic comfort of the family.

2. An accident had introduced him to the family

Family在这里是一家人的意思,又因为先行词the family是做介词to的宾语,所以连接词用了whom.

书中对这几个词语the sense, elegance, affection and domestic comfort of the family翻译得也很好,“这次拜访使威洛比很快发现,通过一起意外结识的这家人通情达理,举止文雅,相亲相爱,安安逸逸。“


They read, they talked, they sang together, and Marianne found in Willoughby all the taste and sensibility which Edward Ferrars unfortunately lacked. Mrs Dashwood considered him as faultless as Marianne did. Even Elinor saw nothing wrong in him, except for the habit, which Marianne shared, of being too ready to express an opinion about other people,and of putting his personal pleasure above social correctness.Marianne now began to realize she had been wrong to believe there was no such creature as the perfect man.




本段第一句:Marianne found all the taste and sensibility in Willoughby. 

本段第三句:Even Elinor saw nothing wrong in him.

【易混淆辨析】Except vs. Except for两者翻译成中文都是“除了“。但是区别是:except用于表示同类事物之间的关系.例如,They all went to the park last Sunday except him. We have an English lesson every day except Sunday. Except for用于表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,它不表示同类事物之间的关系。Smith is a good man, except for his bad temper.史密斯人挺好的,就是脾气不好。



Marianne和Willoughby情投意合,两个人都觉得Colonel Brandon是又老又呆。来看看Willoughby是怎么对上校评头论足的。


'Brandon is just the kind of man,' said Willoughby one day, 'whom everybody speaks well of, and nobody cares for.' 'He is respected by all the family at the Park, however,' said Elinor sharply, 'and his conversation is always pleasant.' 'But he has nothing of interest to say!' cried Marianne. 'He has common sense, that is what I like about him. He is perfectly respectable, well informed, and, I believe, sincere.'




【长难句分析·定语从句】'Brandon is just the kind of man,' said Willoughby one day, 'whom everybody speaks well of, and nobody cares for.'布兰登就是那种人,每个人都说他好,但是没有人喜欢他。


1. Brandon is just the kind of man.

2. Everybody speaks well of the kind of man, and nobody cares for the kind of man.

先行词“the kind of man“做短语动词speak well of 和care for的宾语。所以连接词用whom。

*speak well of 夸奖

*care for 喜欢

*well informed: 见闻广博


'Well, Miss Dashwood,' said Willoughby, laughing, 'I have three unanswerable reasons for disliking Colonel Brandon. He told me it would rain when I wanted it to be fine, he does not approve of my new carriage, and I cannot persuade him to buy my horse. So in spite of your very sensible opinion, I shall go on disliking him for ever!'


*unanswerable 1.无可争辩的。也就是此处的词义。2. 无法回答的。




1. 我希望有个好天气的时候他告诉我要下雨。

2. 他不喜欢我的新马车。

3. 我无法说服他买我的马。

可是这三个理由实在都是非常主观,听上去很荒谬的理由,与unanswerable差了十万八千里。复习我们上节课讲的修辞手法: 反讽。











Even Elinor saw nothing wrong in him, except for the habit, which Marianne shared, of being too ready to express an opinion about other people, and of putting his personal pleasure above social correctness.











