回归自然 — 让城市重拾“野性”

回归自然 — 让城市重拾“野性”


主播:Jon Hazelwood,Hassell董事

嘉宾:Claudia West,景观设计师、作家及Phyto Studio总监

Robert Hammond,纽约高线公园CEO及联合创始人


Claudia West,Phyto Studio

虽然这可能很难量化衡量,但我们知道与自然互动对人的情绪有着正面的影响 — 这一点在城市的居家隔离时期尤为显著。


《Planting in a Post-Wild World》一书写于2015年,本书挑战了传统的关于绿色空间的设计方式,并发表了极具开创性的观点,作者提出一种新型的混合设计手法,结合野生和培育出的植物,打造俘获人心的茂盛的城市绿色空间。这一观点已逐渐获得越来越多的支持。

纽约的高线公园(The High Line)便是一个最佳实践的案例 — 自然主义风格的绿色空间。近期,高线公园是对设计思考最具影响力的公共空间项目。

在本期的《Hassell说》播客节目中,景观建筑师Jon Hazelwood和Phyto studio的总监Claudia West — 同时她也是《Planting in a Post-Wild World》一书的合著者,以及纽约高线公园的的CEO和联合创始人Robert Hammond进行对谈,讨论如何把植物的种子种地更深,与自然建立起更有意义的联系 — 无论是空间类型、规模或造价。

As Nature Intended: making cities ‘wild’ again

HOST: Jon Hazelwood, Principal, Hassell
GUESTS: Claudia West, landscape architect, author and director of Phyto Studio
Robert Hammond, CEO and co-founder of The High Line

“Unless you really turn up the volume and make it very strong, people don’t even see or recognise planting. It’s up to us designers to not only go for that, but to actually add more to planting.”

Claudia WestPhyto Studio

It might be hard to measure, but we know interacting with nature has an impact on our emotions – and that’s never been more apparent in cities than during lockdown.

But does the kind of planting we encounter in urban environments matter? Are planned and cultivated spaces what we need, or could we be craving ‘wilder’, less predictable landscapes that fully immerse us in nature?

When it was published in 2015, the book Planting in a Post-Wild World challenged conventional ideas about designing green spaces that would flourish in our cities and suburbs – and capture people’s hearts and minds. It made a groundbreaking argument for a hybrid approach of both the wild and the cultivated that continues to gather momentum today.

Case in point: The High Line in New York – the poster child for naturalistic planting in a city. No other public space project has had such a powerful influence on design thinking in recent times.

In this episode of Hassell Talks, landscape architect Jon Hazelwood talks to Claudia West – director of Phyto studio and co-author of Planting in a Post-Wild World – and Robert Hammond, co-founder and CEO of The High Line, about planting the seeds for a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with nature, whatever the space, scale or budget.

