虐心《救赎在爱的边缘》沉默已有罪 著

虐心《救赎在爱的边缘》沉默已有罪 著


沉默已有罪 著

一个被父亲捡回来的女孩儿,懵懂时期追求爱情失败。后来和一个二混子结婚前的晚上,又被人强奸,她忍着屈辱,誓要好好生活。可是命运似乎对她不公,当日子过得好转的时候,她的丈夫狠心地和她离了婚,她一个人带着孩子艰辛地生活着,她以为只有这样自己才能得到心灵上的救赎。 直到有一天,她的丈夫突然回来了,想要得到她的谅解。那个男人被拒绝后,狠心地放火烧了她们的家,那男人在救女儿时不幸丧命

A girl, picked up by her father, fails in her pursuit of love in her ignorance. Then raped the night before her marriage to a two-bit gangster, she endures the humiliation and vows to get on with her life. But fate seems to be unjust to her. When life gets better, her husband ruthlessly divorces her and she lives a hard life alone with her children, thinking that this is the only way she can find spiritual salvation. Until one day, her husband suddenly returned and wanted her understanding. When the man was refused, he ruthlessly set fire to their home, and the man tragically died while saving his daughter

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