Trials of Apollo-Rick Riordan

Trials of Apollo-Rick Riordan


The Trials of Apollo Series 1-2 - Rick Riordan
Product details
Teens  >  Ages 11-13

Grade Level: 5 - 9

Written by: Rick Riordan
Narrated by: Robbie Daymond

1.The Hidden Oracle:The Trials of Apollo Book 1
Hardcover: 384 pages

Length: 10 hrs and 40 mins
2.The Dark Prophecy:The Trials of Apollo, Book 2
Length: 12 hrs and 31 mins 

Hardcover: 432 pages

3. The Burning Maze - The Trials of Apollo, Book 3
Length: 13 hrs and 8 mins - Release date: 05-01-18

4. The Tyrant's Tomb - The Trials of Apollo Series, Book 4
By: Rick Riordan - Narrated by: Robbie Daymond
Length: 13 hrs and 22 mins - Release date: 09-24-19

Rick Riordan 雷克·莱尔顿,当今世界最畅销童书作家之一。他将神话角色巧妙地融入冒险故事框架中,创作出了“波西·杰克逊系列”及“奥林匹斯英雄”系列“凯恩·卡特”系列小说,深受全球广大青少年读者喜爱,占据各大畅销书排行榜,并获得诸多重要奖项。

  • Clark_mtd

    没有辜负每一个Rick Riordan迷

  • 某刺客

    这本好看,都可以和Harry Potter比了

  • 遥望星空_梦瑶

    故事很精彩,读过rick Riordan所有的书,每一本都神级,超期待今年出的第5本👍👍👍

  • Huntress_Instia

    It ’s a really great audiobook, letting me learn more about the so-called handsomest Olympic god Apo llo~

  • SoIangeIo

    Percy Jackson系英雄对Jennymeng9与201yyyyttt的评论: Percy:Jennymeng9太过分了!好不容易能休息一回,他又来捣乱,岂不是想为我们一系英雄减粉? Nico:无语.......................…………….…… Frank&Hazel:Jennymeng9乱发评论就够了,为什么还捎带上Lavinia😡😡😡😡😡 Piper:这两家伙真是👿 Jason:最后通牒: 201yyyyttt与Jennymeng9必须在5天内撤掉所有评论,不然⚡️🌪🌊

  • 萱渺

    太爱了,没时间看书,能听这些书真好! 希望接下来第五本出了也能有有声书

  • fatjet

    HaHa,Caligula and Commodus ,take that!

  • 哈密FM



    Soooooo my fav PJ series IN ORDER: 1. Percy Jackson and the Olympians 2. The Heroes of Olympus 3. The Trials of Apollo. Well TOA is last because...Percy almost NEVER appears in the books; I dont much like Apollo; AND its not too—Er—Exciting.

  • Little_Soka

    Jason died, Piper moved, Leo finds his place in this world, Percy and Annebeth settles in college, Frank and Hazel living as a couple, Reyna joined the huntress, Nico finds his love.