20170917托福考试口语Task 2真题&范例

20170917托福考试口语Task 2真题&范例


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  • 13585270jqg

    And this will intend to make more money for the predo sector. So by doing I think it’s win-win. It will increase healthy and finances at the university.

  • 13585270jqg

    Food on campus becomes more expensive, they’ll just have to eat healthy. The second reason is I think it might end up being more lucrative. If fruit and vegetable are cheaper, then the student will buy more of them, cause they are easy to prepare and easy to be purchased as often as possible.

  • 13585270jqg

    I support the university’s plan to hike the price of junk food and offer variety fruit and vegetables in order to promote a healthy diet in school. The first reason is its effective. The average university student is always on the budget, and can not afford to splurge on a lot of things. If junk