

How can someone keep a presentation short?

This question I get asked all the time, and I think it’s very interesting that it’s one that people are very concerned about. I think the danger is that presentations become long because they’re maybe not planned so well. So I think the first thing to do when you’re really trying to keep a presentation short is to really plan it on paper very thoroughly, go into all the details, think about your structure, your messages, your reveals, and really focus on structuring the presentation because if you don't do this you have no chance of keeping the slide number down. It’s always going to become a longer and longer presentation because you don’t really have a structure or a road map to follow. So basically, yeah, just really focusing on the message, keeping it short and clear and concise. And then also the other option is if your presentation starts to get longer, you can always then just let it get long and then look back at your slides, really focus on the core and the key elements of the content, and then for the rest of it the appendix. So maybe have 8-12 slides as your main presentation, then a clear appendix and fill it up with 30 or 40 support data information. And that's a really good way of stopping it from becoming a big 60, 70 page presentation. 

How would one work with templates? 

Very good question. Working with templates is quite a tricky one because a lot of organisations have their templates that people have to use, and they exist for a reason. They keep a message consistent, they focus the client or the audience on the speaker, and I think what I would recommend is that often presentation templates are quite well designed, they’re just not very well to like. And I think that again, planning your presentation first, really focusing on your message, and defining it maybe on post it notes, or on A4 paper, or a whiteboard. And so you can juggle the message around very easily with paper and pencil, and once you've signed it off and its secure, then you can then just migrate it into your template, and therefore you look at your templates maybe like you look at ingredients in a recipe, or music in a DJ set, or fashion is like if you wear too much of one thing it doesn't look good, if you add too much salt it doesn't taste good, if you play too much of the same kind of music it’s very flat.  So if you use templates in the same way, if you don't think about how they can add structure, how they can reveal information, then it becomes a bit of a mess, and nobody likes the look or to listens to a mess. So really think of them as elements that you are moving your story into once it’s signed off, do not try and write your story through the templates, that’s a common mistake that most people make. Again, you’ll hear me say this a lot, its really focus on the key message, work on paper and then move that key message into templates. 

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